Title: Time's Fist: strength is all that matters
In a world where fate can be rewritten through sheer willpower, one man is given the chance to correct a tragic past. When an enigmatic force grants him a mysterious, all-powerful boxing system, he finds himself back in the gymnasium of his middle school, a place brimming with both nostalgia and unfinished business. The scent of sweat and old wood fills the air, but time is not on his side.
His mission? To stop the man who would become his greatest enemy: Jack. Once a friend and ally, Jack is destined to rise as a ruthless criminal mastermind, leading a violent Gang that will ultimately end in the brutal death of the protagonist. But this time, he has the upper hand.
Armed with the ability to harness the strength of legendary boxers and the mastery of techniques passed down through time, he must fight not only against Jack’s growing power but also his own doubts about whether he can truly change the course of history. Each punch he throws, each fight he wins, brings him closer to the moment where his enemy’s fate could be sealed—but at what cost?
As he steps into the ring of his past, every battle is more than a fight for survival; it's a war for his future and his identity. Will he be able to rewrite history and save the life that was taken from him, or will he become a pawn in the hands of destiny? In Time's Fist, the past is a battleground, and every strike could change everything. But there more to the story a great twist read to find out