Chapter 3.1: In Bowling; Winners Take All.

I woke up early for the date, around 6 am. After 15 minutes I was ready for the date, since I had ample time, as the date was by noon, I waited for a while but by 11:30 I left.

As I was turning around a corner so I could use the elevator, I bumped into Miyamura.

"I'm sorry. Miyamura?"

I was surprised to see him, though it wasn't impossible to see him. The school had 3 dorms, each one for each year.

That meant we were staying where this year's second years stayed. It also meant it wasn't impossible to see your classmates and friends.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Don't 'hey what's up' me," he snapped.

"Uh, why?"

"You stole the class beauty."


"Don't 'Uhh' me."

"Fine, I'm sorry."

"You think sorry will fix this." Miyamura glared.

Don't tell he's really angry about this.

"I really am sorry but where are you going?"

"I'm going for a date."

"Oh? So you're seeing someone?"

"What's it to you?"

"I was just asking," I said plainly.

"I am dating someone."

"I see, well I need to get going. See you later."

I was able to leave and get to my date. I used a train—the school had a railway system and even a bus system.

By the time I got there Aiya was already in the venue—the bowling alley.


"Eiya!" She ran and hugged me—no she jumped on me.

"Are you going to let me go?" I joked.

"You should be happy that your girlfriend is happy to see you." she pouted, hugging me harder.

"I-I am," I was getting flustered as I could see her bra.

"Wait don't tell me your shy?" she said with a devious look on her face.

"I'm not."

I dropped her before my face became red. Before coming here, I wouldn't think I would get flustered by a girl.

"Anyway, let's go in," I said, trying to change the subject.

"Fine but I'll have you know I'm a professional bowler."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a run for your money."

We went into the bowling alley; it had an automatic door—the sliding kind.

It had really bright lighting, I'm sure it was made to boost focus.

It also had good air conditioning, even better than the ones in class. It was even cleaner than I expected.

It was less crowded than I expected, and even fewer people played.

It had about 10 lanes, and only 2 lanes were in use. The other people were just at the snack bar.

We went to pay for the services, then we went to play the game.

But before we started, I noticed Aiya pouting silently. What could have done wrong?

Oh, right I didn't compliment her outfit.

"You look cute."


"I said you look really cute."

"O-Oh thanks," she looked down shyly.

I went to research on bowling so I'm sure I would do at least better than average. The problem is I have no idea how good she is.

But that also isn't a big deal, the thing about bowling is that it isn't a sport that allows for external interference—that is to put simply, the more pins knocked down the higher the possibility of you winning.

Aiya wore a black blouse paired with a black tennis skirt and tights.

She was starting, so she went to get the ball. She tied her hair in a bun to avoid getting it in her face.

She assumed a bowling stance and threw the ball; her form was elegant, even more elegant than some professionals.

As the ball rolled down the lane, it knocked over six pins with ease.

She knocked down 6 out of 7 of the pins.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"I'm good right?"

"You're better than good, you're amazing."

"N-Nakamura?!" A voice behind me said my name, it was Miyamura.

"Miyamura? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Oh, I and Miyamura were just out for a date," Yoshida spoke emerging from behind him.

 Wait, if he's on a date, why was he angry with me for dating Aiya?

"What a coincidence. I can't believe you also wanted to go on a date to the bowling alley," Aiya said surprised to see her best friend.

"Like for real," Yoshida replied. "Well since we're both here, let's play a game." She continued.

"What kind of game?" Aiya replied.

"It's more of a competition."

"Go on."

"Between our boyfriends, let's see who can get higher scores, best of 3."

I seriously don't want to do it. I don't want to compete with Miyamura, well I won't need to if they both say no.

I threw a look at Aiya that said, 'Please say no.' She smirked with a menacing look.

"Yeah let's," Aiya agreed.

That bitch! It's fine as long as Miyamura doesn't—

"I'm down." Miyamura also agreed.

I'm basically forced to play the game with Miyamura, might as well throw in the towel.

"Also, by the way, the loser treats everyone to lunch at that new restaurant."

Ok, I've got to win; I don't want to waste money at that new restaurant. Miyamura looks athletic, but this game is not like football and basketball which requires a certain level of athleticism.

It needs grip, speed control, and good stance/footwork. Therefore, it doesn't need expert skills, therefore I can replicate something good enough to just get a little higher than him.

As we stepped onto the assigned lane, I adjusted my grip on the blue-and-black bowling ball I took, I didn't pick it for a specific reason.

Miyamura carried a red ball, probably to match his red hair.

"I'll show what Hiroto is made of."


Who's that? Is that his nickname? Maybe that's his first name.

"That's my first name."

"Oh. By the way, I want to go first."

"Sure, go for it."

"Eiya, win it for both of us!!!" Aiya cheered.

"Miyamura!!! Win!!!" Yoshida cheered.

It's kind of unfair that the girls get dinner no matter who wins. Well, it doesn't matter now, all that matters is that I win without standing out.

However, it seems students around are paying attention. I hate these conditions; I can only win by one point or at least that was my plan.

I lined up my shot. I stared down the lane, taking a deep breath before stepping forward.

I used the athletic stance, the most textbook stance—I'm not a professional so I only know 3 stances, and this is the most efficient one.

I toppled 5 out of 7 pines.

I think that's good enough. It was neither impressive nor was it underwhelming.

"N-Nakamura chill."


"Your expression, you look like dead fish—no like a statue."

"…I don't know how to reply to that."

"Just relax, I'm still gonna win."

I was instinctively reacting to this, but that was the only way I knew to deal with stress. Rather than getting angry or frowning I just kept a dead expression.

Next was Miyamura's turn, he used the pendulum stance, it involved the bowler starting with a relaxed arm position to prepare for a smooth pendulum swing.

His ball knocked down all the pins, a perfect strike. He turned back, giving me a playful shrug.

"One down."


It seems I should change my form; I'll follow the stance of a famous bowler—Parker Bohn III.

I skimmed through his book—Bowling: How to Master the Game as I was preparing for my date with Aiya.

 The stance that he used is known as the stroker stance.

My throw was a strike.

Miyamura threw his, he also got a strike.

"If I get a strike then I win," Miyamura said, his tone more serious now.


"Don't sweat it, I'll order something cheap."

Everyone in the bowling alley was watching, random people started cheering my name. Most people at this point would give in to the pressure but I'm not one for that.

I threw my ball; I got a perfect score.

I have to reinforce my win; I need to do something right now. I'll have to cheat.



"When you lose, I'm going to celebrate by doing it with Aiya," I smirked murmuring it slightly so only he could hear me.

Miyamura gets angry when I do anything related to Aiya so I'm sure he won't at least get a perfect score, if he gets lower than me is not for sure.

To make him so angry that he will lose would take some effort, like for example me and Aiya—the object of his affection not paying attention to him.

Yoshida, Aiya, and I started conversing before he finished bowling, I made sure we were out of his range, so he wouldn't know we were talking about how he'd win.

"I might lose; I hope you guys take it easy on my wallet," I pleaded.

"Don't worry I'll help you pay." Aiya offered.

"Really. You're an angel."

Yoshida and Aiya started laughing, I glanced at Miyamura then mouthed the words, 'It will be a threesome.'

He threw his ball in a fit of rage, forgetting his form, it was a gutter ball.

He came back and pulled me to the restroom.

"What the hell?" Miyamura glared.

"Dude, what?" I feigned confusion.

"Don't play dumb. You said you'll do it with Aiya, then said you'll have a threesome with Yoshida.

"Chillax. First of all, what I meant was that I'll bowl with Aiya to celebrate."

That's obviously a lie.

"Oh…Wait then what about the threesome?"

"Which threesome?"

"You said you'll have a threesome."

"I said I'll have three rounds at the restaurant."

"R-R-Really?" Miyamura stopped to think, unsure of what I actually said.


After my explanation, me and Miyamura left the restroom. Miyamura repeatedly apologized but I told him it was ok; I mean after all it was a lie.

"So, is everyone ready?" Miyamura asked.

"Yeah." We answered in unison.

Yoshida led us to the restaurant; it supposedly had a 3-star Michelin rating. We walked because the distance wasn't that far.

As we kept walking, I repeatedly heard the words, "Michelin 3-star rating."

I had no idea what that meant but when Yoshida said it both Miyamura and Aiya got excited saying 'it's the best in the school', so it probably meant it had amazing food.

On entering a waiter greeted us and asked if we had a reservation, to which we said no.

We were guided to our table, which was perfectly set with elegant flower arrangements.

They offered us a welcome drink which we declined.

"This place is so amazing. Miyamura are you sure you can pay?" I asked, seeing the restaurant's elegance—guessing the price was probably above the budget.

"Uh, let's just see the menu."

The waiter brought the menu and told us the prices were reduced for students.

The menu was way out of Miyamura's price range.

We saw meals that were 40,000 RP, the most expensive meal was 80,000 RP.

Miyamura couldn't pay so we saw ourselves out.

We followed a bus back to the dorms, Miyamura and Yoshida slept off. But Aiya was wide awake while I pretended to be asleep.

We just went to the convenience store as we were already tired of walking. Miyamura got us ice cream.

I've never actually had ice cream before, so I was excited to try it out.

"Here you go," Miyamura handed me ice cream.

I'd seen ice cream before, it's in a cone but this was on a stick, moreover ice cream is white, the thing he gave me was black.

"I thought ice cream was in a cone and was white."

"This is a popsicle; don't tell me you've never had it before."

I opened the wrapper on the popsicle and then put the popsicle in my mouth.

It was cold but also sweet, creamy but also firm—it took my taste buds for a loop.

Wow, I've never had anything this sweet. This really is amazing.

"Brainfreeze!!!" Aiya said holding her head.

"If you can't handle it, you can give it to me."

I had already finished mine and wanted hers. I had become mesmerized by the ice cream.

"You're supposed to say sorry."

"Sorry, can you give me the popsicle?"

"Hmph." She pouted.

"So, Aiya, are you going on a date with Nakamura tomorrow?" Yoshida asked.

"Uh, no."

"What about on Monday?"

"I-I don't know, maybe not."

"What about on Tuesday?"

I gave Miyamura a look that said, 'Tell your girlfriend to stop'. He surprisingly got the message.

"Yoshida, don't you think it's ok?"

She glared at Miyamura as if saying, 'Stay out of it'. We went silent as Yoshida glared at Miyamura with malicious intent.

"So Aiko when did you start dating Miyamura?" Aiya asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh since Friday."

"When were you going to tell the girls?"


"Oh come on spill. I want to hear the entire story."

We walked blissfully to dorms as Aiya changed to subject, to be frank I was shocked at how she handled it.

On reaching the dorms, everyone following me despite having their own rooms—they even followed me to my floor.

"Ok, why are all of you following me?"

"I wanna see your room—uh I meant it's way too early," Aiya said.

"Yeah." Yoshida agreed.

"I don't want to have many people at my house."

"Come on dude, friends are supposed to hang out at each other's rooms," Miyamura replied.

Friends, huh?

"Fine," I sighed.