It is a psychological thriller that follows our protagonist Nakamura Eiya in his journey at Tokyo Metropolitan Elysian High School, a prestigious school that is more than it lets on, as he meets enigmatic figures and follows the cursed reputation system. Watch as he survives-but is Nakamura more than he lets on, is he secretly a genius? What is 'Project Perfection'? This and other questions will be answered as you read the book.
so like me, you also write using the first pov narrative... but this style is only meant for story with a nuance of comedy or to be exact, the English words should be casual and entertaining because the one that is speaking is the characters, not the author. Too much description is also a no no to this style.. why? because if you tell a story yourself, you won't yap about everything you saw right? However the content is interesting,, keep it up!!