A Childish Desire

Tohgi: Just so we're clear I was going to bow, even without Yuki getting overly excited


Yuki slapped Tohgi over the backside of his head


Yuki: then bow quicker


Oisin and Aspen began laughing at the interaction between Yuki and Tohgi


Oisin: your group is as comedic as ever, Aspen

Aspen: If they weren't I would probably kick them out


Yuki and Tohgi suddenly turned their attention to Aspen, both echoing with a straight face "don't pretend like you can't"


Aspen: Been a while since we met

Oisin: well a Xanarc does have his duties to perform, we should have a drink sometime.

Aspen: That would be great

Tohgi: (friends?) This is smaller than I expected for a conference room

Oisin: it's more of a study than a conference room, I use it for my private meetings, sit, have some tea


Yuki and Tohgi bowed showing their gratitude for the offer.


Oisin: Tohgi, I have been wanting to meet you since Aspen told me about you, even among his group you stand out.

Tohgi: not sure if that's a compliment or an insult, but I'm sure there is more to this private meeting than just meeting a random rookie that stands out.

Oisin: You are not at all random, if anything I would say you're the fruit of my labour and the consequence of my error.

Tohgi: fruit of your labour?

Aspen: The only reason you can be a knight today is because some overly optimistic captain requested an inclusive system for knights about a decade ago.


Oisin smiled victoriously as Aspen spoke.


Oisin: Against some people's advice, it worked and those people are now also reaping the fruit of my labour. However, I was only able to achieve that thanks to the help from another captains and the backing from a good section of the public. I had planned to expand development to the south after I became Xanarc thinking I had allies I could trust, but those allies were quick to disappear the moment I lost my status as a great family. They were only there because of the financial influence I had.

Tohgi: How is it even possible to lose your status as a great family?

Aspen: The Walsh family owned almost all the land in the north and central area, and Oisin was the head of the house, but after he became Xanarc he gifted all of it, drastically reducing the interest rates on the land. Many of the nobles exist today due to his inauguration. As planned this led to an exponential growth in the economy which Oisin had planned to use to incorporate the south into our economy

Oisin: but my financial influence had gone and with it my allies. The popular vote was to reinvest and further develop the north and central districts. A Xanarc is nothing without his people and there is only so much I can do.

Tohgi: I see…

Oisin: Tohgi, I'll cut to the chase


Tohgi bowed before the Xanarc could complete his statement.


Tohgi: I humbly decline


They were all perplexed by Tohgi's abrupt rejection.


Tohgi: I can tell this is going to be a passing of the mantle type situations, "the consequence of your decision is forcing the responsibility on me" or something like that right?

Oisin: Well, basically

Tohgi: I don't know what you have planned, but from what you just said, it is probably too diplomatic for me.

Oisin: I would have you become a representative for the south and equip you with enough tools politically, but honestly you wouldn't be achieving much. However, you would be laying the groundwork for the generation after you.

Tohgi: What if I hadn't shown up last year or returned this year? What if you died yesterday? All your efforts might have been wasted. I can't wait for the generation after me to be the change I want, I would rather take my chances and if I fail, then someone else can take the mantle if they choose.


Oisin was silent through Tohgi's speech, shocked by his ideology and resolve.


Tohgi: I plan on using your foundation but the building would be different, you don't get acknowledgement by asking for it. You've already tried that.

Oisin: So you plan on forcing your way through.

Tohgi: That is correct.

Oisin: And if you hit an obstacle at every turn, what then? 


Oisin suddenly became serious and tension filled the room while he questioned Tohgi. Tohgi matched his energy.


Tohgi: I'll remove them

Yuki: (isn't the room getting a bit too tense?)

Oisin: And what if I'm that obstacle? How do you plan to remove me?


Tohgi fired two shots at the Xanarc which he easily absorbed. Aspen remained calm through the interaction, but Yuki could not comprehend what he was watching.


Yuki: (has he gone mad?)

Oisin: That's a very poor attempt at assassination

Yuki: (what happened to all the normal people that could have joined my squad? Why are you so calm? Captain?)

Tohgi: I was just checking; your ability is to absorb magic and release it at will. I wanted to know how that worked, it's not really something you can research. From how you reacted I assume you can only absorb magic using your left hand.

Oisin: What makes you so sure? I could have simply chosen to use my left

Tohgi: Well I thought that too, but my first bullet was at your right side. From your mannerism I can tell you are right handed, considering that, your reflex should have made you use your right not your left.

Oisin: No need to drag it out, you're right, but if the rules were reversed and absorption was my right hand wouldn't that have left your theory at 50% 

Tohgi: Well I did make a few assumptions. The first is that your ability was limited to absorption with one hand and release with the other, from your epithet, Nephilim. Half angel, half demon, which I assumed implies the dichotomy of your ability. The second is that your reiki would favour your body's physiology, if you are right handed, magic execution should be easier with your right. All that was left was to test these assumptions, if you had absorbed with your right hand I would have assumed your ability had no limit and have to think of something else.

Yuki: (that was actually impressive)

Oisin: It seems you always saw me as a potential enemy.

Tohgi: Right now your animosity is clearly a hoax, I assume you wish to show how tall a task I would have to face, but Sabueso did a much better job at that. However, I couldn't pass the opportunity to get a sense of the strongest in the country.

Oisin: Right now huh?

Tohgi: To be honest, I see everyone as a potential enemy, I don't know what I would have to do to get what I want.

Oisin: And what is it that you want?

Tohgi: It is a very childish desire… What I want is for those like me to have the freedom to have childish dreams and wishes and not feel like they can't achieve them without the luxury of trying.


Oisin smiled to himself, a cocktail of emotions flooded his head. He was happy and proud to see his efforts were not in vain as he witnessed a boy whose will seemed up to the task at hand. However, he could not help but feel sad and disappointed, knowing that he could not push his goal further and the burden of continuation rested on a boy who had no business being in the position he was in.


Oisin: A childish desire indeed… for the first time Aspen, I might be happy to join you as an observer

Aspen: An observer huh?




Oisin: I don't understand why you have the strength to achieve so much yet choose to watch idly from the sideline

Aspen: What point is there in starting something I see no end to? Unlike you, I don't know how to be eerily optimistic

Oisin: One day, there would be a reason for you to go all out and act, I cannot wait to see the cannon let loose.

Aspen: There you go again with your blind optimism, until then, I rather stay an observer. If you need anything though let me know.

Oisin: I am going to abuse that.


Flashback ends


Oisin: Instead of using you for my political agenda, I would in turn offer my position and influence to aid your goal as much as I can.


Tohgi's eyes widened with joy and shock, that was not the conclusion he expected, not after rejecting the Xanarc's proposal. He gained a sudden burst of optimism, subconsciously recognising the calibre of allies he was amassing. He hurried out of his seat and prostrated as much as he could.


Tohgi: Thank you very much!

Aspen: If that's enough we would heading out your majesty, thank you for having us.

Oisin: Have a safe journey


They all bowed to their Xanarc and made their way out of the chateau. On their way back to Rydat city, Tohgi reminded Aspen of a request he had made some time ago.