In a world where magic thrives and mythical beasts lurk in the shadows, Tohgi Akura is born into the unforgiving southern district of Vandekar, a lawless land ruled by bandits and plagued by poverty. Despite his humble beginnings, Tohgi harbors an audacious dream: to achieve that dream he must become a Knight, a title synonymous with honor, power, and nobility.
His raw talent rivals the elite, but his lack of noble heritage leaves him scorned by the privileged. Yet, Tohgi’s unwavering determination and resilience catch the attention of influential figures who see potential in the unrefined boy. With their assistance, Tohgi rises through the ranks, challenging a society built to keep people like him in the dirt.
But ambition has its price. As Tohgi carves his path toward greatness, his defiance against the status quo ignites conflicts that spiral into devastating wars. In his quest to protect those he loves and what he stands for, Tohgi must grapple with the weight of his choices and the sacrifices demanded by his legacy.
Will Tohgi Akura go down in history as a hero, a tyrant or just another man. His story is one of ambition, loyalty, and the unrelenting cost of dreams.
Do not hesitate to comment your thoughts at any point in the story, it would bring me great joy to be able to interact with readers of my work. I hope to see you on the other side.
PS: Bold text indicates the use of magic, parenthesis () indicates thought.
Thank you! Enjoy! :)
An intriguing story, the plot is interesting and the way it’s described is pretty simple and easy to understand and doesn’t rushed up. Love the dialogue are represented seeing something new. I highly recommend it
Started the story today, and I got pulled till the premium chapters. I can only imagine it gets better, but I would love you to detail your characters like other stories. I would love to see what you imagine when you think of your characters, the main ones, at least.
it's so nice, the build up is slow, but the more I read the more invested I get, the character interactions are so interesting, i love their dialogues, they fuel the story.