
Tohgi: Buloke golem, Buloke blade, Verlamde vite.


Tohgi's left hand pulsed with spiritual energy, a wooden staff formed, instantly twisting and contorting to form a sharp, wicked blade. In his right, a thick, barbed whip formed. The ground beneath him rumbled, and a towering golem, crafted entirely from gnarled wood and roots, rose from the earth.


Tohgi: Testing out a script I just finished, so who wants to take the golem?

Stranger 2: You really piss me off, Water Magic: spiralling stream


The golem jumped in front of Tohgi and blocked the spiralling stream.


Tohgi: I guess the golem has picked; phase one passed. For phase two…


Tohgi used a reiki burst to get to the other fighter and kicked him to a different location


Tohgi: Let's give them their space, shall we?