
Tashiro: If I may?

Oisin: Go ahead.

Tashiro: If the balance maintained right now was important enough to ignore the Anarchs, why does the capture or conversion of one knight change that?

Oisin: To answer that you need to understand why there is a balance in the first place. Battles aren't only physical, they are political as well, there is very little information about the Anarchs. Stretching our forces in an attempt to discover them, let alone apprehend them, would weaken our territorial defence. Do you understand where I am going?

Winfell: In the event that we draw blanks or attain small victories, there is a high possibility that there would be higher magic related crime due to weakened patrol. Even if the order doesn't take any damage the people will. The chances are we could win the physical battle and lose the political or lose both.