Tohgi and Sonia returned to hide out.
Shadow: What happened, you said there was a situation.
Sonia: We had an unexpected guest and I was careless
Shadow: you're wounded.
Sonia: It's nothing serious I protected all my vitals
Shadow: That's irrelevant, you should get treated, you are coming off the front lines
Tohgi: Why did you advise against collecting the funds we accumulated, isn't it dangerous to leave it there?
Shadow: learn to look beyond what is in front of you.
Tohgi: There doesn't seem to be much to look at besides the potential losses and apprehensions.
Shadow: How many knights were in the city?
Tohgi: It's unconfirmed.
Shadow: Okay… can you confirm if the bar was compromised?
Tohgi: I cannot.
Shadow: How are the knights finding us?
Tohgi: I am not certain.
Shadow: How many knights are dedicated to tracking us?
Tohgi: It is uncertain.