
As Aspen and Sabueso parted ways, the tension lingered in the air. Aspen strode into the hospital, leaving a noticeable dent in the floor where their confrontation had taken place. The reiki pressure radiating from both captains was so potent that it rendered the hospital staff unconscious. By the time Aspen reached Tohgi's room, the corridor was eerily silent, with not a single person left standing.


Aspens: I forgot about the people around me, I hope no one got hurt.

Winfell: (so this is what happens when two captains… no… two infinity mages clash, what Captain Sabueso said makes sense now. If they were to face off in here, there is no way this building would survive).

Aspen: You're Arnault's kid, aren't you?

Winfell: Yes Sir (Amazing! Shows how amazing the Xanarc is)

Aspen: Are you the one covering his medical cost? 

Winfell: Yes sir.


Aspen bowed to Winfell.


Aspen: Thank you.