The Return; Part 1

Oisin: Tohgi, what is your report? 

Tohgi: I apologise, I failed, I couldn't identify the leader of the Anarchs or any connection with the order 

Yuki: I see… WAIT! WHAT?! 

Yamna: Huh?... Huh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oisin: I see, let's wait for his arrival, I have sent for your captain


Captain Aspen arrived swiftly, answering the urgent summons of the Xanarc.


Aspen: I didn't expect you to return so soon, good work.

Tohgi: I am sorry, I couldn't ascertain the information I was supposed to.

Aspen: Why the hell are you here then?

Tohgi: Things went out of control today and I ended up killing a high ranking member of the organisation.

Aspen: I expected more from you, that renders the entire year useless.

Oisin: Not necessarily.

Yuki: Wait… so it was all an act?!

Oisin: I supposed you deserve an explanation and an apology.