This time, Rolf played a bit more cautiously.
After all, only thirty thousand dollars remained.
Of course, I had no intention of wiping him out completely.
This last thirty thousand was the root that tied him to me.
As long as that root existed, Rolf would devise ways to continue wagering against Dark.
As long as he gambled, he would find himself ensnared deeper in this quagmire until he could no longer extricate himself.
After some time had passed, Rolf managed to reclaim over ten thousand dollars, bringing his total to over forty thousand.
In contrast, Dark had already amassed winnings exceeding two hundred thousand.
They had initially agreed that regardless of who triumphed, they would conclude the game and share a drink at midnight.
Now, with the hour approaching eleven, the end of the game loomed near.
In this final hand, Dark dealt the cards. Rolf took his hand and pretended to ponder over his cards leisurely.