Lin Tiancheng, a struggling medical student, gains extraordinary abilities after his new mobile phone explodes, integrating him with its app store. Each app manifests as a special power in real life—for instance, the flashlight app grants him night vision and X-ray vision. Using these abilities, he wins money through gambling and impresses his classmates with his advanced medical knowledge.
To repay a debt to his kind-hearted boss, Wang Mengxin, Lin participates in a stone gambling event and identifies a valuable jadeite, winning a significant profit. However, his success attracts dangerous attention, and he must outsmart robbers aiming to steal his winnings. This incident warns him of the perils associated with his powers.
During his internship at the Second People's Hospital, Lin uses his abilities to diagnose a child with stomach stones and suggests a controversial treatment. When the child falls unconscious, he faces accusations of malpractice, raising ethical questions about the use of his powers and setting the stage for future challenges.