The Meeting with Unknown (1)

25—10—1560 WC


Poul's car stopped near the gates of the Pentagon.

As soon as the car stopped, a security guard standing in front of the gate approached him, a sharp look of scrutiny in his eyes. The guard held an automatic rifle in his hand.

Poul rolled down the window and smiled at the guard, "Good afternoon. I'm Captain Poul of the BNS Rampage, I hope you've already been informed of my arrival."

The guard, without answering, reached out for Poul's ID card. Poul confidently handed it to the guard. The guard examined the ID card carefully. Seeing the name and picture on the ID card match Poul's face, a look of recognition came over the guard's face.

"Okay, sir," the guard said, then he turned and signalled to his companions.

The soldiers at the gate removed the barricade. The car entered the gate.

Inside, Misthia leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity, "Lord Poul, can I ask you a question?"