The Hospital Visit

After the meeting, Eric, Edith, and Misthia are being taken to a guesthouse to stay.

They were riding a Chevrolet Suburban.

Edith was very worried about Eric as he didn't talk too much and had a very worried expression on his face.

Edith immediately asked Eric, " Is something wrong, Master."

Eric replied, " No, there's nothing wrong. I'm just thinking about Hannah."

"Master, I've also been worried about her. I hope they get her well soon. "

Eric saw Edith become even more sad after mentioning Hannah. He started to blame himself { Why did I bring Hannah up? I shouldn't be causing any more worries for her, but I just did stupid.}

Seeing the condition of the back seat, Ria, who was driving, said, "You have no reason to worry about your friend. Due to her serious condition, she has been sent to the largest hospital in our country. She will get better soon."