Visit to the Bernard Empire (3)

03—11—1560 WC


It was 7 o'clock in the morning when the nobles rose early, eager to begin their day. After preparing themselves, they made their way to the restaurant where a delicious breakfast awaited them.

Duke Gorge was delighted with the breakfast, he was very excited to try the delicacies food offered by the Bernard Empire. He resembled a child in a fast-food restaurant, eyes wide with anticipation, ready to eat his food

It was not only Duke Gorge who was excited, but Marquis Sam was also looking forward to what dish they would eat.

A few minutes later, a waiter comes to their table pushing a cart. When the waiter arrived, he immediately placed the food on the nobles' table and explained what they were serving.

"Good morning, gentlemen and madam. This is your breakfast for today," he announced.