The Dead Lord

The main task of the ISSD members was to protect Alberto, and the undead was a threat to Alberto. So they would do whatever they needed to do to eliminate it. So they used the grenades even though they knew it could hurt the Knights who were close to the undead.

"Helicopter support needed immediately!" one of the ISSD soldiers barked into his radio. "Send air support now!"

Meanwhile, some Royal Knights and ISSD members try to get Alberto and Maria safely out.

The Dead Lord seemed to sense its targets were being moved. It let out another bone-rattling roar and hurled another knight toward the fleeing group. The man's armoured body slammed into the ground mere feet from Maria.

The undead loomed closer, its clawed feet crushing everything in their path. It moved with a grim purpose, its every step shaking the ground like the tolling of a death knell.