

And that lunch checkout really did extend. Because the moment that phone call ended, they were tangled up again.

Rina wondered if something was wrong with them because just looking at each other got them so horny they needed to act on it. And that was despite aching so much already.

The respite was every time they took naps. And baths. Not that they ended up fully cleaned because they'd even do the deed there.

Rina even had doubts about his skills. She wondered whether he was really good or if she was just so starved that she'd react to anything he did. 

With how many times she'd orgasmed, she was sure she didn't need to experience space travel for herself. The guy kept on sending her there in ways she never thought possible.

Her handy dildos couldn't touch her like that, nor could those things make out with her when she cried out. And those could definitely not eat her out like he was doing now.