

Rina was just over it.

She agreed to talk in private because she wanted to throw it down. And that would not be a good addition to her already screwed reputation.

But things just won't go as planned with this man.

She wanted to tear into him by pointing out how judgemental he was.

Then, she wanted to set him straight by telling him to forget about what had happened before. She said that was a one-time event and should be left in the past.

"A one-time thing?" Idris asked as he got closer to her.

"Yes." Rina scrunched up her face as Idris kept on leaning closer. He towered over her, and his presence was enveloping her.

Idris was explosive, but he might have been too explosive for her. She wouldn't be able to stand it if he was as judgemental as he was earlier. They wouldn't be compatible, and it's not that she wished for anything more for this to even matter.

"We're not compatible." She told him.