

"Now, tell me again about this Clusterfuck that is your love life? I wasn't sure I heard you right." I asked Rina to confirm her story.


Because the first two times did not stick.

"What's there to explain?! I already said everything!" Rina whined, trying to weasel her way out of telling her story.

"I would've believed you if you didn't look that guilty. I wouldn't ever need a lie detector on you, Miss." 

Frankly, if I were her too, it would be impossible for me to hide this completely.

Rina just hid her face behind her hands as she tucked her knees against her chest

"So, let me get this straight: Did you have a one-night stand with our project Architect?" I enunciated my words to drive the point.

"Three…" Rina murmured, barely audible, and I had to move closer to her to understand what she wanted to say.


"I said three. THREE!" She suddenly screeched, face red as a tomato.