

For some reason, I felt like I'd had it worse than the Chairman, who was currently confined.

With how Lucian's been hovering like a madman, you'd think I was the one who encountered a major accident.

We've been living in this penthouse for months now, but suddenly, Lucian has been treating the whole place like a giant death trap.

Even the innocent chopsticks were considered deadly.

I don't know what's gotten into him, but he's been so on edge that he has to look every time I reached for anything.

That reached its height when he had to attend an online meeting but was so distracted that Grandpa had to call him out for it. Thankfully, he did it in a private call over the short break.

So, I decided to take a bit of the blame.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's partially my fault."

"Eli? What do you mean?"

"He's been a bit distracted because he's been watching me after that little incident a few days ago."