
I was planning on taking a nap while waiting for Lucian to finish. Honestly, it was comfortable lying down on his lap and listening to people's monotonous reports, which would surely drive anyone to sleep.

But then I heard it. 

My ears couldn't help but twitch at the current report being discussed. By now, they've already been at this for close to two hours. And then, suddenly, this substandard report was open for discussion.

In all fairness to my workaholic husband, he really took his time to listen to each report and gave feedback as needed. So, it came as no surprise to me when he started tensing up.

Even I kept flinching every time he read out the values on the slides. By then, I had to glance up at Lucian's screen to see if this was some kind of prank.

Then I ended up meeting his gaze that screamed run for the hills. Lucian looked ready to jump inside the screen to teleport into the meeting room and strangle the guy.