A Day in His Life [END]


Just a few moments ago, children's laughter echoed through the villa because the perfect afternoon sun signaled the best time for afternoon play.

But that was earlier. Now, even if their Grandparents kept reminding them 'to stop and smell the flowers' every now and then, there was no way little Liam could appreciate the scent of blooming jasmines.

Liam's little legs pumped furiously as he darted through the maze of the vacation villa; his dark hair bounced with each step. 

The reason? He was in the middle of running for his life.

Hide-and-seek was serious business, especially when Aunt Lily was the seeker. At nine years old, she was practically a professional, with laser-sharp eyes and the patience of a cat stalking a mouse. On the other hand, Liam was four—a rookie in the stealth game. 

There was no need to even mention other things, but Liam couldn't even run around as fast as those whose legs were double his height.