Dorothy's suffering didn't get better. Her cousins were making life a living hell for her. She couldn't just pin-pont what she ever did wrong.. 

 On a fateful Saturday, Dorothy was preparing breakfast. She wasn't feeling too well so she lay down her head to rest. Just then Annabel walked in!

 "Hey... what you think you're doing, how dare sleep while cooking for us? Are you stupid or something!!" 

Dorothy just ignored her,, she didn't want to have any issues with her. But Annabel got mad. 

 "Are you dumb? Now get up from there and go do my laundry right now" she commanded

 " Look Annabel, I'd love to do the laundry but I'm not feeling well today.. besides I'm busy here, I'll do it tomorrow when I feel better" Dorothy pleaded.. but Annabel got even more angry. 

 " So you now tell me what to do in my own father's house right Dorothy? You know what, just wait.... " She stormed out out of the kitchen angrily. 

 Not too long before Mrs Richard walked into the kitchen. Of course, Annabel had told her lies.. She didn't even wait to hear Dorothy's side of the story before slapping her! She rained so many insults on poor Dorothy... 

 " If only my mum didn't have to die, I won't be going through so much suffering. Infact, everything is dad's fault! If he hadn't abandoned us, mum wouldn't have died. Sometimes I wish I'd never been born..I wish I can just end my life. At least, the dead have nothing to fear or cry for." Dorothy sobbed painfully. 

 She struggled so hard to put herself together. Then she remembered her mum's words..they gave her strength and courage once again to face her fears and predicament.