It was a beautiful morning. Dorothy didn't go to school because she'd just finished writing her Exams the previous week. 

 As usual, she was stock with house chores. Mrs Richard came in yelling her name, with the look on her face and tune in her voice, one could tell she was very upset.

 " Dorothy, where is the money I kept in my bag yesterday?" She questioned angrily. 

 " Ma, I don't know where it is, I think you just forgot where you really kept it, let's just search for it, I believe we'll find it." Dorothy was confused and also scared a bit. Just then Annabel cut in.. 

" Mum, don't believe anything this thief says. Just yesterday, I saw her taking money from your bag after she cleaned your room". She lied.. 

Dorothy was shocked! She couldn't believe her ears. She was too shocked to even say a word. Mrs Richard cut in immediately Dorothy tried to defend herself.

 " You fool, how dare you steal from me? who gave you the guts to steal from me? By the time I finish with you, you'll beg to join your useless mother in the grave". 

 All Dorothy's pleas fell on deaf ears, she beat the hell out of her... then she took the hot iron next to her and was ready to use it on Dorothy's face when suddenly, Mr Richard arrived followed by her Dorothy's brother, Benjamin..

 Dorothy immediately ran to her brother crying like a baby while he consoled her. Mr Richard just stood shocked, he felt very disappointed, he was surprised because he never knew that his wife could be so cruel ! 

 Ben Angrily went to Dorothy's room and helped her to pack all her things so they could leave. Ben walked to Mrs Richard Angrily grabbing her hand;

 " I promise... you're going to pay for this! I'll make you pay!! " He took Dorothy's hand and they left. 

 " Finally, I've left my sorrow and sadness behind. The heavens have finally heard my cry" Dorothy thought happily. 

She was very happy to see her brother who was now a grown handsome young man and also very rich. He took her to the house he built a very big and beautiful mansion. They told each other stories of what they had been through all those years. 

 Dorothy began shedding tears after she remembered their mum's death. Ben hugged her tight promising he won't let her suffer again.

He took her out for shopping. Bought her new clothes, shoes, Jewelry and everything a girl would need to be happy. He really treated her like a queen.. 

 " Thank you so much bro, you have made me feel whole again, you're like a father to me. With you, all my pains have disappeared".she hugged Ben smiling non-stop.

 " Dora, I promise you,, as long as I am here, you won't suffer again. Mum is gone, and now you're the only family I have left, so it's my duty to look after you okay! " Ben hugged her again and kissed her cheek. 

Immediately Dorothy's results were out,,, Ben made sure she was sent to the best university.. Finally,, Dorothy was beginning to gain hope once again.