They purchased a transporter which was a necessary equipment for solo students to go exploring in dungeons. They bought thr transporter at the rate of three thousand gold coins. Even though the duo just hit jackpot recently, this was a huge price but still they purchased it. They also bought a map for the dungeon they would be heading to. Soon enough, they got to their destination. They entered the dungeon and they were instantly attacked. A sticky like substance shot towards them. Damian set up a shadow wall blocking the attack. After the attack, they finally saw the attacker. A black coloured ant stood facing them. The ant was about 4.5 metres tall, almost as huge as a human. Damian and Chen stood, ready to attack at any time. The ant instead rushed forward. Damian moved first aboutto kill the ant with a single strike but the ant had fallen before he stabbed it. Chen stood with a grin, like an eleplhant staring at an ant. "Is that a challange, then it's on". Damian spoke. Both of them began to kill the beast in the dungeon. " Although, this is a basic rank dungeon, i didn't expect it to be this easy". Chen spoke with disappointment. "Damian agreed with him." Hey, how about heading to an intermediate dungeon". Damian suggestted. "It will be dangerous". Chen replied. " Scaredy cat". Damian teased. "Hahaha, that's what makes exploring exciting". Chen said. Both of them headed for an intermediate dungeon. The drops from the former beasts they had killed earlier were stored in their storage rings which were bought for two thousand gold coins. One thousand gold coin each. Although, the spatial/storage rings was worth twenty-five metres and could not store that much but it was just perfect for them. They got to their destination. This time, they weren't attacked immediately by the monsters. They headed deep into tge dungeon before they finally found a monster. A large porcupine beast stood facing them. " That's definetely in the intermediate realm". Damian spoke, excitement visible in his speech. The porcupine beast carried large and pointed needles on it's back. Its face was like that of an ant and it possessed legs like that of a centipede. It was clearly a mutated creature. A mixture of a porcupine, an ant and a centipede. Chen eyes brimmed with excitement also as he stared at the creature in front of them. "Finally, a worthy opponent". Chen and Damian said in unison.