They got to the furnace. Damn!, it was hot and huge. How the heck is the blacksmith surviving in here?. A middle aged man kept hammering away at a metal. By the looks of it, he was about to make a sword. "Hello sir". Damian greeted. " What brings you to my humble furnace?". The middle aged man asked. "Sir James, we would like to sell something". Damian stated their mission. Sir James, the blacksmith nodded his head. " let me see" he said. They opened up their storage rings bringing out their loots. Two needles, and the orbs. "How much will these cost?. Damian asked. " the orbs will cost twenty gold coins each since it's not glowing brightly, so for the both orbs it will cost fourty gold coins and the needles, if i'm not wrong, it is from the early stage intermediate porcupine so it will cost fifteen gold coins each, so for the both it will be thirty gold coins. Total, these will cost seventy gold coins". The blacksmith explained. "WHAT THE!, we risked our lives for seventy gold coins". Damian said annoingly. " Hmm, only?". Chen asked, also not liking the fact thet they risked their lives just for seventy gold coins. The blacksmith chuckled. "This was an early stage intermediate realm, that is to say it is the weakest beast you can find in the intermediate realm". The blacksmith explained. " and here i thought we could celebrate after collecting our pay". Damian gloomingly said. They agreed on the price but not after some persuation by Damian to increase the price to which the blacksmith refused. They soon left the furnace, sweat dripping profusely from their body. "We need to become stronger, i have no chance of defeating by brother if i can't even defeat an early stage intermediate realm beast without sustaining injuries". Chen thought. " Damian, you don't have a weapon right". Chen asked. "No". Damian responded. " get youself one cause we'll be hunting for a very long time soon and i want you to be prepared". Chen explained. Damian stared at Chen, his respect for Chen has increased. Damian agreed to the suggestion and walked into a weapon shop. After few minutes, he walked out with a halberd. The halberd was extremely thin and the design was one of a kind. "Suits you". Chen commented. " How much is it?". He asked. "Fifty gold coins as i was given a discount". Damian answered. " ok, our armours are ready right?". Chen asked again. "Yh". Damian answered. " hey, put that into your storage rings, stop the showoff". Chen said to Damian after noticing that they were attracting a lot of attention. Damian chuckled before storing the halberd.