Chen sat on his chair while listening to Mr Ken's lecture. "Today, i'll be teaching the combat classes practicals so the other classes are free to roam about except you want to watch them fight". Mr Ken said. He led the combat class to the arena. The total combatants in his class were twenty five in number, supporters were numbered ten, healers were rare so they were numbered three in his class. Enhancers, none. Assasins were numbered five in his class making the total number in his class fourty three. Today, the assasins and the combatants were merged together in the practical. " a total of thirty students are present, so you will all fight against each other. Everyone were given their numbers and Mr Ken matched them with their numberd. Number one vs number fifteen". Mr Ken called out. Two individuals marched out. Two boys, one was an average boy and the other was Rex, the short fire manipulator. *Begin*

Rex attacked immediately with a fire ball. The fireball shot out towards the first boy. Before the fireball made contact with the boy, he disappeared causing the fireball to miss its target. A dagger shot out towards Rex from the right. He did not expect the attack but be managed to tilt his head to the left. The dagger scratched across Rex's face drawing out little blood. "You want to play hide and seek, well i don't have the time. I've been thought to always end my fights quickly". Rex spoke. " Inferno flames". Rex muttered. He spread both of his hands, flames spread out around the arena not leaving a place untouched. "Where are you?". Rex thought inwardly waiting to hear the screams of his opponents but he didn't hear any. Daggers flew out from the arena heading towards Rex. All the daggers were thrown accurately. " A fine assassin". Mr Ken, the refree thought. Rex formed a ball of flames around himself. All the daggers hit the wall not even putting a scratch on Rex. "The heat isn't hot enough". Rex thought. He increased the heat of the flames but the scream he was waiting to hear never came. Instead, the daggers rained more than before. A frown slowly crept into Rex's face. " he's using armour, no human could possibly bear the heat without being burnt to ashes". He thought. Rex nullified the ball of flames arounf himself after sensing that the daggers had stopped raining. As soon as the fire ball came off, the sound of the air being pierced was heard by Rex. He quickly sidestepped but his shoulder was not spared. Blood spilled from his left shoulder. "He made the daggers invisible". Mr Ken observed. Rex's frown became more evident on his face. " flaming armour". An armour made entirely of flames covered him. The daggers that were thrown at him were ñullified by the heat of the armour even before it could pierce him. Moments later, a voice cried out "i forfiet this match". Rex called off his flames returning the arena to its previois state but not without damage. The arena was burnt scortched black. Rex's opponent slowely revealed himself. He was clad in expensive armour and his face was partially scortched. " The winner of round one is Rex". Mr Ken announced the winner of the fight.