Round ii

"Number four vs number twenty one". Mr Ken announced. A girl and a boy walked up to the stage this time. " Begin". Mr Ken signalled the start of the next fight. The girl started to attack. "Claws of a tiger". She activated her powers. Sharp claws grew from the nails of her fingers and toes replacing the old ones. She leaped towards her opponent. The boy who summoned a metal shield before him.


The tearing of metal was heard as her claws tore through the shield. The boy attacked as soon as he found an opening. A large metal pole was swung at her. She crossed her arms in an X shaped manner. The metal pole made contact with her arms. Her legs went deep into the arena creating a crater in the arena. He followed up with another swing of his pole. The pole struck her on her stomach. She coughed out a mouthful of blood. A metal gaunlet covered the boy's arms. He threw a punch at the girl. She gripped his fist with her claws holding him steady in place. " full transformation". She roared. Hairs grew from her skin, her body grew in size, her teeths became fangs and whiskers came out from the corners of her chin. She looked like a humanoid white tiger. She bashed the boy into the ground. The shockwave shook the arena. She swung him several more times causing more craters in the floor of the arena. The boy coughed out blood several times. A metal fist from above bashed her into the ground. She loosened her grip on his gaunlets in order to block the fist. She caught the fist but the force behind it forced her feets into the ground. "Metal binding". The boy activated his skill. Metal cuffs clamped her legs restricting her movements. He also binded her hands. This left an opening for the metal fist to strike. The fist kept pounding her into the floor. " i can't lose to him". She said while baring her fangs. "Nine lives activate". Her body went limp all of a sudden. "Was she dead?". The spectators questioned. Mr Ken stood still, a smirk slowly crept its way to his face.


The boy's head was bashed into the ground making him unconscious. Standing tall was no other than the girl in a new body. Her other body slowly crumbled." We have a winner, Jane". Mr Ken announced.