Spikes rose from the earth, piercing the ants from undermeath killing them all in an instant. "We're finished here, now pick up all the drops". The captain ordered. The healers were taking care of the injured while other members fought. After their kill, they picked up the drops and the body of the ants began to turn into energy, in other words, their body disappeared slowly, enhancing the mana in the air. " wait, something's coming". The captain warned his teammates through the communication crystal embedded into his robe. All members of the phoenix robe guild were at alert after hearing the marching of something.
They all stared forward in anticipation of what the enemy was. Soon enough, three ants came into view. These ants were different from the former. The former horde of ants were black in colour and were about three metres tall but the three that appeared now were deep red in colour, they were five metres tall. Mere looking at them, one could easily tell the difference. The captain of the phoenix robe guild stood facing the three bosses. "These set of ants are mid stage advanced level beasts". The Captain said to his guild members. He raised his arms up in the air and spears made entirely of flames appeared mid air and with a swing of his arms, all the spears headed towards the ants. The spears pierced the skin of the ants but it did nothing to them. The ant in the middle which was obviously the larger one gave out a loud shriek. The shriek did nothing at first but soon, the ground began to shake. Several black ants came into view, this time they were more than the first horde. If the first horde consisted of a hundred ants, then the ants in this horde would be double of the first. " WHAT THE F**K". The captain cursed under his breath. The captain cast a flaming wall in front of the city. His eyes wandered about, trying to figure out a solution. "If these ants enter this city, it would definetly be reduced to nothing but debris". The captain thought. " Every one, cast walls in front of the city". The captain ordered. The vice captain was the first to oblige, he casted an earth wall in front of the city. Several other walls were also cast. The banging of the ants on the ciy gate was heard, gradually it became louder. "Call in reinforcement". The captain commanded. " sir, this ian't the only city under attack, so there's no reinforcement to call in". A guild member replied. "F**k". The captain cursed again. " Is there nothing that can be done, if these ants break into these wall, this city will fall". The captain spoke. This sudden realisation brought fear to the faces of the inhabitants of the city. "There's someone i can call". The guild member suddenly said. " Then do so". Said the Captain.
A guild request qas then sent to Mr Ken
His phone pinged. "A guild request huh". Mr Ken spoke after reading the message. " What's a guild request?". Chen asked. "You don't know what's a guild request?". Mr Ken asked shocked by his sudden question. " You haven't exatly taught us". Chen threw the bomb. "I haven't taught you right". Me Ken said with a deadly expression. " how many times have i told you guys to read ahead of the class". Mr Ken asked. Chen was about to reply but he was cut short by Mr Ken. "I'll be going now". Said Mr Ken. " Can i tag along?". Chen asked. Mr Ken refused immediately before an idea struck him. "Come on". He said to Chen.