The snake emerged from the water again, this time it became more violent and the water energy surrounding it became more condensed. "Didn't i kill this thing earlier?". Chen became confused. They both started to battle again with Chen slashing it several times but it refused to go down. Searching for a weakspot within the water snake, he found a small blue orb revolving inside its body. " no wonder it was hard to find". Chen had finally found the snake weakspot so he threw his dagger at the water snake making efficient his physical strength. The dagger sped through the air smashing through the defensive barriers the snake had set in desperation. It pierced the orb inside the snake shattering it into pieces. The snake shrieked in pain before falling into the water in its liquid state. Chen rested for few minutes before moving on to explore more areas of the cave. The place he passed were nothing special until he came across a field filled with lots of flowers. The field was crowded with both flowers and people. Chen lay on the field of beautiful flowers waiting for the remaining first years that were having trouble in paasing the first challange. When they were all complete, the flowers in the field all disappeared and a whole new scenario appeared, seven gates appeared and each of them had their own feeling and presence. The first gate brought a soothing and relaxing feeling to everyone present. The second gate brought a feeling of ecstasy to everyone present. The third door brought about a dark and eerie feeling to those present. The fourth gate brought about a rough feeling to everyone present. The fifth gate brought about a destuctive feeling to everone present. The sixth gate oozed out a natural feeling to all those present, the feeling it gave out was like being one with nature and the sixth gate brought about despair, it gave out a feeling of hopelessness to all those present. People began to head into the gates of their choice. Chen inspected carefully and discovered that the first, second and sixth gate had more people rushing in. He inspected the gates carefully, "i can't judge based on the feeling alone". Chen kept on racking his head when a voice was heard in his head. "Pick the third gate". The voice spoke. Chen inspected the gated again, he could not decide on a single door so he just did as the voice said, he walked through the third gate. After walking through the gate, he kept on falling for several minutes before he felt the ground. A thud sound was made as he hit the ground. " urgghh". He groaned lightly while standing up. The scenery he saw made his jaw drop. "What is the meaning of this?". He screamed, pulling his hair. The scenery was fully decorated with magma rocks and larva. An earth golem stood blocking his path, the earth golem was huge, about eight metres tall holding a large club in between its arm. " i curse that voice". Chen roared again. "What voice". A random voice question. " one God forsaken voice....". He was about to continue but paused. Turning around, he saw a small black cat licking its paws.