
Both man and cat discussed with each other sometimes throwng insults at themselves. "What's your power?". Chen asked. " space". The cat replied plainly. Chen eyes gleamed in delight. "I heard that the space element is unique". He praised. " hehe, i told you i wasn't a lowlife like you, i'm unique". The cat replied while walking majestically, fanning itself with its paws at intervals. Chen regretted saying that. "Hey, how about i call you Luna". Chen suggested. " it means unique right, if it means unique then be my guest". The cat spoke. "Actually, it means lowlife". Chen threw the bomb. " no, no, no, i reject that name". The cat quickly rejected the name. "Hey, just kidding". Chen said. " from now on your name is Luna". Chen declared. Luna became delighted that he had finally been given a name. "Where fo we start the treasure hunt from?". Chen asked while cuddling the cat. " we need to defeat anything that stands in our way". Luna said simply. Chen kept Luna on top of his head as he planned to go with the flow, destroying anything in his path. Chen kept on walking, avoiding the hot lava that spilled out at intervals. They arrived at a small cave that was enough for them to rest as they were getting tired. They both slept off soon after.

Few hours later

A black cat stood on both feets, using its hands to slap away continously at Chen's face. Chen slowly opened his eyes, "Luna". He spoke out. " hungry, i brought food". Luna said. Chen sat up right away as soon as he heard the mention of food. Luna disappeared and appeared in an instant holding a roasted fish in both of his little arms while walking with both legs. "How did you get this fish?". Chen asked Luna. " guess" Luna replied. "Uhmm, wait a minute were you the one that stole fish from that pond earlier?". Chen asked. " yes". Luna replied. "Whoa, space elements sure gives room for mischief". Chen pointed out. Chen and Luna walked out of their cave and the sight they were greeted with made their mood fall. " what the!". They both cursed. About twenty earth golems the size of a normal human were roaming around. "Early morning warmup, huh". Chen spoke. He whistled gaining the attention of the earth golems. They all began to rush towards Chen who stood still waiting for them to come closer. When they got into fighting range, Chen attacked, punching a hole on one of the golem's chest. " one gone, nineteen left". Chen muttered to himself. All the earth golem had him surrounded. "Need help". Luna transmitted his thoughts into Chen's head. " Nope, i can handle this myself". Chen transmitted back his own thoughts. He used his superior speed and strength to bash the earh golems up.

Few minutes later, Chen clapped his hands together dusting the dirts off his palms. They continued their journey towards the powerful enemy Luna had talked about. He got to the end of the lava mountain path and there a stone lion laid on the ground. "Is that the powerful enemy you were talking about?". Chen asked. " not even close but this one's also powerful". Luna said in a somewhat warning tone.