Damian had finally landed a successful hit on the sneaky crab but this had only aided in enraging it. It burrowed out of the ground in front of Damian who was already prepared, he thrust his halberd at full speed and force at the crab. The crab, using its incredibe agility moved back avoiding the thrust of the halberd. Jerry appeared behind the crab, snmashing his hammer into the crab. This attack sent the attack flying towards the thick walls of the cave creating a dent in it. Damian who was underneath the crab thrust his halberd again but the crab trapped this attack with its pincers. Damian smiled pointing upward, and there several shadow spears hovered midair. The crab felt threatned by this attack so it began to burrow into the walls of the cave. The spears shot downwards at an incredible speed towards the crab. All the attacks hit successfully as it was not quick enough to evade these attacks. When the dust settled, the crab's figure could be seen with several shadow spears implated into it but surpriaingly, the crab was still standing. "Huh, tough guy" Damian and James muttered at once. They were both preparing a large final attack to finiah the crab off. The crab's eyes turned fierce and it released a loud shriek. The arua surrounding the crab skyrocketed and it gradually grew larger, its head crashed into the ceiling of the cave and its shell opened revealing lots of little crabs. The little crabs that were like its formal size began to jump out from its back rushing towards the duo who were speechless at how big the crab they just fought had gotten. They felt like ants in front of the huge crab and the sight of several other crabs the size of the one they just fought rushing out of its back was enough to make them scared. "This crab's beserk mode is off the chat" James spoke in a frightened tone. They did the most unexpected thing, they ran, they f**king ran away. Who the hell does that?. Now back to the story.
Both James and Damian ran across the huge cave at full speed, looking back they saw several crabs on their heels. "They are like zombies" Damian remarked. The stomping of the tons of crabs shook the cave but they both ran, they kept on running.
In another path
Chen had just walked through the path of agony, he was sweating profusely and his brain was on the brink of breaking down. Even his strong body which he could brag about was at the point of breaking, his muscles hurt like hell, his head throbbing at a fast speed.*Thumb*. Chen's body fell to the ground and he lost consciousness.
Hours later
Luna kept slapping Chen's face repeatedly. "Wake up Chen" Luna repeatedly said to Chen who finally moved his body followed by his eyelids. "Luna" he said fully opening his eyes. He hastily inspected his body. "Aren't i supposed to be badly injured?" Chen asked in surprise. "That was all just an illusion" Luna dropped the bomb. "An illusion?, but the pain all felt real, i felt the pain" Chen replied in confusion. "The illusion was probably casted by someone powerful, even more powerful than the thing inside" Luna said pointing down the last path.