Chen and luna were now walking towards the last path to meet the thing or beast that Luna always talked about. They arrived at a large gate which had several eerie and mysterious drawings on it, mere looking at the gate could make one take to their heels but Chen stayed, even going as far as pushing the gate open. The gate made a loud creaking sound, it was obvious that the gate had been for years. The room immediately got lit by torches hanging by the wall one after the other leading to a spot where a single crown laid. Luna eyes shone with greed upon setting his eyes on the crown. "You said that there would be a powerful being but all i see is a shiny crown" Chen spoke to Luna but there was no reply. He looked forward and saw Luna stretching his little hands towards the crown. "Luna, wait" Chen tried to stop him but it was too late as Luna had already snatched the crown, he even went as far to test it on his head. "How do i look, like an emperor right?" Luna asked while walking majestically like a king. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently and the earth itself started to split up. "An earthquake, ruuun" Chen warned. Luna used his spatial ability to teleport himself on Chen's shoulder. Chen turned around about to run but something seemed to stop him, he became paralysed, he couldn't move. His soul trembled continously. A coffin slowly emerged from the ground, the coffin had no beautiful decorations, it looked like it was meant for a devil, the coffin was pitch black and it had the drawings of people and beings that had been slaughtered in battle engraved on it. The coffin shook a little, the lid of the coffin opened and a skeleton walked out. This was no ordinary skeleton, the skeleton held a rusty scythe in one of its arm, it wore gauntlets on the other arm, it had a red cape attatched on its back and the aura it emmitted was eerie, spooky and dark. "Is that the being you always spoke about?" Chen asked, greatly trembling in between each word. He stared keenly at the skeleton general and his eyes quickly caught on to something. The skeleton general had cuffs and chains attatched on hits legs, arms and torso. By the looks of it, the skeleton general was a prisoner here. "Who could trap such a powerful being here?" Chen didn't even dare to think of the power such being would hold. The skeleton general gave out a murderous smile. "Give the crown back" It spoke with its ghastly voice. "Even the voice could make your soul shutter" Luna thought internally. The skeleton general walked towards Chen slowly like a predator going to meet its trapped prey. Chen couldn't die here, he forced himself to break out of the trance, it took a while but he finally did break free from the trance before the skeleton general got to him. Chen ran at full speed, creating afterimages as he ran. He couldn't look back because fear was the only thing he could feel now, he needs to get away from thet thing. The skeleton general blinked, appearing in front of Chen who was running at full speed. The skeleton general swung its scythe at Chen releasing a dark and eerie slash. His life suddenly flashed before his very own eyes. *BLINK*. Luna used his spatial ability teleport Chen into the path of agony, the pain he earlier felt was nothing to the current him as what he was feeling was greater than pain. The slash from the swung scythe destroyed the very ground completely.