Damian and Jerry shivered profusely in their boots. "Why won't you just leave them alone to die while we run?" Luna asked Chen through voice transmission. "Cause they are my friends" Chen replied also through voice transmission. "Urrggh" Luna groaned inwardly. "At the count of three, you guys should run with all your might and do not wait for me " Chen whispered loud enough for them to hear. Damian and Jerry were still trying to process what Chen just told them when Chen disappeared. "Come and get me" Chen roared at the skeleton general which did exactly as he said. It chased after Chen. The only thing that Damian and Jerry could see was the rapid blinking of two figures, Chen and the skeleton general. Although the skeleton genaral had been lured very far away from them by Chen, its eerie and intimidating presence still lingered in the air. Chen who was being chased nonstop by the skeleton general was also scared. He had been able to keep his life due to Luna's space ability and Luna's mana was depreciating at a quick pace. "I can't keep up any longer" said Luna. This news almost broke Chen but he persevered, standing far away from the skeleton general, he asked Luna. "How much time to you need to teleport out of its range?". " ten minutes or at most half an hour" Luna answered. The skeleton general's eyes had a ferocious glint within it. It's prey had finally ran out of mana. The skeleton general covered the distance between them in a mere instant arriving directly above Chen who would be at a slight disadvantage now because Luna had ran out of mana but Chen didn't waver, he stomped his legs on the ground using the momentum of the force he had used in that stomp to propel himself out of the skeleton's general range. The skeleton general didn't even reach the ground and it suddenly appeared behind Chen. Chen sensed danger behind him so he did the same to avoid the attack. The skeleton general swung its scythe releasing a dark and eerie slash at Chen. Chen quickly summoned his dual daggers using it to stop the attack. The slash pushed him back several metres but he was finally able to stop the slash from severing him in half. "Such strength coming from a single attack" Chen thought inwardly. He looked at the skeleton general again and it slowly faded with the wind. "An after image" Chen quickly realised. He jumped to the side but was hit by a heavy and powerful blow. The blow cut opena gash on his chest and this was due to the fact that he had blocked the attack with his daggers. This little encounter had only taken two minutes out of time and Luna actually needed about ten to thirty minutes before he could get back into action. "You weren't severed into two?" The skeleton genaral asked with a bewildered expression. Chen stood facing the skeleton general who also stared back, confused about why his opponent haden't been cut open. The skeleton general moved again creating after images as he moved. Chen also moved at an incredible speed. Both of them flashed continously, slashing at each other as they fought. The large cave began collapse gradually as the two if them moved at extreme speed with the skeleton general obviously being faster.