chapter 19

Chapter 19:

– Valerie –

Gulp after gulp of warm, sweet blood passed through my lips and down my throat. It felt wrong to be draining an innocent woman dry, but it was so delicious! There was no comparison between stale blood bags and fresh blood. The warm liquid filled my whole body with energy and power.

Her body went limp under my hands, the twitching stopping as I pulled back. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, but blood still dripped down my chin and onto my shirt. I glanced over the counter, trying to get a sense of what was happening outside.

"I don't hear anything. I think she's dead…"

"We need the body to confirm the kill! Otherwise King Tepes, or his crazy Marius, will strangle us! Go in and grab it!"

"Fine. I'm going..."

The vampires who'd ambushed us were still arguing outside. Their bickering gave me just enough time to recover. The fresh blood I'd taken was already working its way through me. My broken arm snapped back into place with a sharp crack, and the smaller cuts and bruises faded as my body healed at super speed. 

I looked around for my gun but didn't see it. It must have gotten buried under the rubble somewhere. Annoying, but it was not the end of the world. I wasn't defenseless. I glanced at the blood gem bracelet on my wrist. The rubies had a few cracks, but it looked like they'd hold out long enough to finish this fight.

The crunch of boots on broken glass made me freeze and duck my head back down. One of the cloaked vampires was slowly entering the shop, stepping over debris as he moved. His heavy footsteps gave away his position easily.

"I don't see her! All I see is a human girl bleeding out in the corner!" he shouted back to the others.

"Maybe her body got launched behind the counter. Check there, dumbass!" another yelled.

"I'm checking, I'm checking! You don't have to be so mean," the vampire muttered. His voice got closer as he approached my hiding spot.

I held my breath and waited. My heart thudded in my chest as he stepped right up to the counter. He placed his hands on it and leaned over to peek behind. He came face to face with me, and my left hand aimed directly at his head. 

"...Oh shit!" he yelped.

"Hello…and goodbye!" I snarled. "Bombarda!"

The spell hit him square in the face, and his head exploded like a watermelon! I'd been practicing enough with my magic that I managed to control the blast so it didn't hit me. His headless corpse flopped backward onto the floor, turning to ash almost instantly. All that remained was his empty cloak.

The explosion had sent the other vampires outside the shop into a full-blown panic. They knew I was alive. 

"Open fire!"

Gunfire tore through the air, shattering what little glass remained and tearing apart the walls of the ruined shop!

I dove across the rubble, landing next to Rose. She was slumped unconscious against a wall with blood pooling under her. A jagged piece of wood jutted out of her stomach. My chest tightened at the sight of her pale face. She was in bad shape, and she wouldn't survive much longer like this.

"Protego!" I shouted, thrusting my hand behind us. A shimmering barrier of light enveloped us just as bullets began ricocheting against it. I could feel the relentless impact vibrating through my arm as I held the spell to keep Rose safe. Gritting my teeth, I pressed my free hand over my heart and summoned my Healing Grail. A soft glow spread from my chest, and the Holy Chalice appeared in my palm. It immediately started filling with my own blood. 

I brought the grail to my lips, and it turned out that my own blood did not taste good. No wonder Vampires didn't drink from themselves.

Leaning down, I pressed my lips to Rose's. She wasn't going to drink it on her own, so I did the only thing I could. I used my tongue to part her lips, letting the blood flow into her mouth. At the same time, I yanked the wood from her stomach with a quick, brutal motion!

Her body jerked, and her eyes snapped open. Horror and pain filled her gaze, but then something else—a flicker of surprise that quickly turned into shock as she realized what was happening. Her arms wrapped around my back, pulling me closer. For a moment, I was too stunned to react as she kissed me back! Passion quickly replaced her panic. 

I pulled away from our kiss just as my shield began to falter, cracks splintering across the glowing barrier. 

"This is an amazing dream…" Rose purred at me. She was a little delirious.

"This isn't a dream," I said with a small laugh. "But you should probably snap out of it, because I can't hold this much longer."

Rose blinked at me, her expression still dazed. Then she seemed to shake herself fully awake. "Oh shit!" Her hand fumbled for her wand on the ground as she noticed my failing magical barrier getting pounded by gunfire. "Protego Maxima!" she shouted.

A stronger barrier shimmered into existence around us. I let out a breath of relief and dropped my shield spell, allowing her to take over.

"That probably wasn't the best time to make out," I chuckled. "That was a close one…"

Rose flushed, her heated gaze meeting mine. "I thought you kissing me was a dream! Maybe warn me next time you do that?"

"Oh?" I laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You think there's going to be a next time?"

"There better be…" she pouted at me while standing up on shaky legs. She patted down her stomach in surprise. "How'd you heal me?"

"I'll tell you later."

She opened her mouth to say something else, but the gunfire stopped as suddenly as it had started. In the tense silence, I could hear the vampires outside swearing and fumbling with their weapons. They'd run out of ammo. 

"You ready for this?" I asked, turning to look at her. "Training's over now."

Rose smirked and adjusted her grip on her wand. "I've been killing monsters since I was a baby. I was born ready!"

She dropped her spell, the shimmering barrier around us faded away. As soon as it was gone, I stormed out of the ruined shop to confront our attackers! 

There were about ten of them in total, all wearing thick cloaks to shield themselves from the sunlight. Their hoods were pulled low with shadows masking their faces, but I could see their red eyes peeking out beneath. 

"Ventus!" I shouted, aiming my left hand at two of them standing side by side. A gust of wind erupted from my palm. Normally, this spell would be harmless—just some wind to knock someone off balance. But for vampires outside during the day? It was deadly. 

Their cloaks got caught by the sudden wind and ripped right off their bodies. They were immediately exposed to the sun shining down from above.

One of them managed to yell, "Oh, fuck!" before his skin ignited! Flames consumed him as he dropped to the asphalt, screaming and flailing in a desperate attempt to put himself out. It didn't work. Within seconds, he was nothing but a pile of ash… 

The other one didn't even get the chance to scream. He crumbled into ashes before he could hit the ground.

The remaining eight vampires cursed at me, rage flashing in their blood-red eyes. One of them tossed aside his empty gun and charged straight at me with a jagged knife. I sidestepped his attack easily, grabbing his arm as he lunged past me. With a sharp twist and a bit of force, I flipped him over my shoulder and slammed him onto the ground. He hit the asphalt hard with the wind knocked out of him. 

"Smile at the sun, asshole," I said, grabbing his hood and yanking it off. Only his face was exposed, but it was enough. His eyes boiled in their sockets, and his skin ignited almost instantly. He screamed and flailed, but the sunlight was relentless. Within moments, he was gone, leaving behind nothing but scorch marks on the ground.

"Good riddance," I muttered, brushing ash off my hands.

"Look out!" Rose yelled. 

I spun around just in time to see a vampire sneaking up on me, going for a tackle.

"Stupefy!" Rose shouted. Her wand pointed directly at him as a red bolt of magic shot out and struck him in the chest. The spell didn't knock him out completely, but it staggered him enough for me to act.

"Thanks!" I called to Rose. I lunged forward and grabbed the vampire's hood, yanking it off in one motion. His face was next to be exposed to the sunlight. He hissed and screamed as his hands clawed at his burning skin. It was over in seconds. He crumbled into ashes at my feet.

Rose jogged up to me with a grin. "I'm counting that one as mine. That's three for you and one for me!"

"Plenty to go around," I said. The remaining vampires were regrouping and we braced ourselves for the final round. 

The vampire in the middle suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!" He lowered his gun and motioned for the others to do the same. "Let's all just calm down for a moment and talk."

"You're gonna surrender after trying to kill me and my friend?" I asked while clicking my tongue.

"Why don't we call this one a draw?" the leader said with a shrug. "We tried to kill you and your friend. You killed four of us. I think that makes us square. What do you say…?"

I glanced at Rose. We both immediately came to the same answer. That answer was hell no! I happen to be someone who takes it personally when people try to kill me, and not only that but we both worked for Hellsing. Neither of us could let crazy vampires like this wander free 

The leader noticed our expressions. His smug look faltered. "...That's too bad," he said. "Violence it is then." He raised his gun, and the others followed suit, aiming at us.

Rose raised her wand. I lifted my left hand to help, but my bracelet suddenly shattered into tiny pieces. I froze, staring at the fragments that fell to the ground. "Shit!"

Thankfully, it seemed I wasn't the only one who just stumbled on to a bit of bad luck! And their luck was a hell of a lot worse than mine! A man suddenly dropped from the rooftop behind them. His boots hit the ground with a heavy thud. He wore a thick black trench coat and held a sharp looking samurai sword in his hands. The vampires turned, but they were too slow. One swing of his blade, and three heads hit the ground. Their bodies turned to ash before they even fell.

I let out a whistle of appreciation. This guy didn't have all of the powers I did, but he still made it look easy. Blade was clearly an expert when it came to killing vampires.

"Damn you!" the leader yelled. He spun toward Blade but he just wasn't fast enough. Blade's katana pierced through his chest, striking his heart. The leader exploded into ash instantly!

"Bombarda!" Rose shouted. Her spell hit the street between the last two vampires. The explosion tossed them off their feet.

One of their machine guns skidded near me. I grabbed it without hesitation.

"Wait!" one of them shouted. He scrambled back, looking panicked. "Spare us, Lady Tepes!"

"We were just following orders!"

I didn't even pause. I raised the gun, aiming at him and the other vampire. "Eat shit and die," I said and pulled the trigger. The gun roared as bullets tore through both of them. By the time I stopped, they were nothing but scattered ash.

I stood up and brushed debris off my knees. Rose walked over with her wand still in hand, but she didn't seem worried anymore. "That went pretty well," she said. "Other than me almost dying of course. Thanks for the help, ninja guy!" she gave him a friendly wave!

Blade wiped his sword clean and sheathed it in one smooth motion. He nodded at us and turned to leave, walking away calmly like none of that had just happened…

"Well," I said, watching him go, "that was certainly a cool exit."

Rose tilted her head. "Wait, is he just going to leave after helping us!?" She watched Blade disappear down a random alley without another glance. "And he's gone…"

"I guess so," I said with a shrug. "He's probably not much of a talker. Or maybe he's just giving us space because we're on a date." 

Rose blushed and then gaped at me. "You still want to continue our date after what just happened? We got attacked by literal vampire assassins in broad daylight! And—" she paused, her voice dropping. "What happened to the old lady who ran the bookstore?" 

I hesitated for a second. "She… she didn't make it," I said quietly. It wasn't entirely true, but what was the point in upsetting Rose more? I glanced back at the bookstore, now fully engulfed in flames. Any evidence of what happened to the owner, of how a vampire had drained her dry, would burn away with the building. 

Rose's shoulders slumped, but before she could spiral, I grabbed her hand. "Come on," I said. "We probably missed the previews, but we can still catch the movie." 

She let out a startled squeak as I started walking and dragged her with me. I could hear sirens in the distance and didn't really want to deal with cleaning up. I'd just shoot Walter a text or something and let him handle it all…

"But the previews are the best part!" she whined as we made our way down the street. 

I laughed, giving her hand a small squeeze. "Then you can pick the next movie, and we'll make it for the previews, okay? Besides, I kind of like skipping straight to the action." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and her face turned scarlet…

By the end of our crazy date, I didn't remember a single scene from the movie because Rose and I had spent the entire time in the dark theater with our lips locked together.

– Voldemort –

The Dark Lord sat on his throne in what was once Malfoy Manor. He supposed it truly belonged to him now, since Draco never returned from the task he was given. Not that it didn't already belong to him. Everything his Death Eaters owned was his the moment they allowed him to place his slave brand on them. The brand ensured he could track them wherever they went, binding them to his will.

It was irritating, though, that he couldn't sense the locations of Lucius or Bellatrix since they'd gone missing. That had been bothering him more than he cared to admit.

The door to his throne room slammed open, and Rodolphus Lestrange stormed in with a scowl. "I have news, my lord," he said.

Voldemort inclined his head, allowing him to speak.

Rodolphus wasted no time. "Draco Malfoy failed in his mission to kill Rose Potter's Muggle family. He was clumsy, as expected. He ended up shooting himself with the Muggle gun you provided before some strange Muggles arrived, abducted him, and drove away in an unmarked van."

Voldemort leaned forward slightly, his red eyes narrowing. "Interesting. Tell me more, Rodolphus. And explain what has you so upset."

Rodolphus's scowl deepened. "I followed the van on a broom. I had an old invisibility cloak lying around. It's falling apart, like most of them these days. Nobody remembers how to properly make them anymore, but it had enough magic left to hide me from sight while I tracked Draco." He paused, anger radiating off him. "They took him to a large estate, my lord. An entire army of Muggles is stationed there, and they all know about magic! That's not the worst of it. We have traitors among us. My wife, my bitch of a wife, was there. I saw her walking around the mansion with her sister, like they lived there. They're working with the people who took Draco, and they probably have Lucius as well!"

Voldemort's expression darkened, his grip tightening on the armrests of his throne. Next to him, Nagini sensed his anger and hissed softly. His most loyal follower had actually betrayed him!? He had never even considered that to be a possibility…

"And a Muggle army…" That was troubling. He had always known dominating the Muggle population would require a war, but he had hoped to unify the magical world first. This changed things. The Muggles weren't as ignorant as they seemed. They had resources, knowledge, and now, apparently, an alliance with traitorous witches. 

He straightened, his mind racing. "Rodolphus, this changes our timeline. I had planned to bring down the Ministry in a few weeks, but we must act now. Tomorrow, we take the Ministry. Prepare the others. We must be ready to face this army when they retaliate."

"Yes, my lord," Rodolphus said.

– Sylvana Lucifer –

Lady Sylvana Lucifer sat at her desk, frowning as she tapped her fingers on the polished wood. "This is so annoying. What am I supposed to offer Dracula's daughter to get her to help dissolve Rias's engagement?" she muttered.

Grayfia, her Queen, stood nearby and gave a small shrug. "Maybe you should just give Valerie Rias's hand and be done with all the thinking. Rias likes girls, after all." Grayfia smirked. "Just like her big sister..."

Sylvana shook her head. "No. I want Rias to be happy. It's true she likes girls, but she and Akeno are completely in love with each other. Getting her engaged to someone else won't fix anything. Even if I'm certain Valerie Tepes is a much better person than Riser Phenex."

"She's definitely nicer to look at," Grayfia said with a teasing grin. "And softer."

Sylvana smirked back. "I don't doubt that, considering how much you enjoyed yourself touching her."

"Is my King jealous?" Grayfia asked as she walked over. She sat on Sylvana's desk with an air of casual confidence, spreading her legs just enough to reveal her lacy panties. "You were the one who wanted me to tempt the girl."

"I know," Sylvana said, licking her lips as she stared at the tempting sight in front of her eyes. "And it was hot as hell to watch. I wouldn't mind joining in next time." She paused, her expression shifting as a thought clicked into place. "Hmm… I wonder if that could actually work."

Grayfia raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Did something cross your mind?"

Sylvana nodded. "The old devils are going to throw a fit if Rias and Riser don't get married. They'll cry about losing their miracle flaming destruction babies or whatever. But what if we offer them another powerful match? One they can't complain about. And maybe, we could tie Dracula's faction to ours through his daughter."

Grayfia tilted her head. "Who would you propose she marry? It would need to be someone high-ranking, unmarried, and not already engaged. Rias is obviously out. Serafall won't do it—she's only interested in her little sister, who's too much of a tsundere to admit she feels the same. That only leaves…" She trailed off as the realization hit her. "Oh."

Sylvana nodded. "Exactly. We wait a little so we don't seem desperate, but Valerie Tepes could marry me. And, by extension, possibly you as well. As a Maou, I'm not allowed to have a harem. But no one ever said I couldn't join one."

Grayfia chuckled. "That's bold, even for you."

"Bold is what I do best," Sylvana said with a grin. "And if it means keeping Rias happy and free from that overgrown phoenix, it's worth it."

Grayfia smiled at that. "That seems like it could work." Her hands then slid underneath her skirt and she started pulling down her panties. "...Now then, enough business talk. Your naughty maid has been working hard all day and she thinks she deserves a little reward…"

Sylvanna shuddered at the beautiful sight before diving her face between her Queen's legs!


I have a patreo n. My subs can read advanced updates of my stories ahead of standard release.


Patreo n .com (slash) Starwaves

Here is the list of Current Advanced Chapters:

The Fallen Gamer ch 304-308

The Fox Hole 33

The Titan 17

The Blood Queen 22

The Fox Hole 32

The Supe Devil 14

The Blood Queen 21

The Fox Hole 31

The Titan 16

The Fox Hole 30

The Blood Queen 20