chapter 20

Chapter 20:

– Valerie –

Rose and I stood outside the main entrance of the Hellsing mansion. The night had finally calmed down, and there were no more bullets or vampires we had to watch out for. I leaned in close, and our lips met in a kiss that made the chaos of the day feel far away.

Rose melted into it for a moment, but then she pulled back slightly. "Do you think this is a good idea? Right here?"

I smirked. "What's the worst that could happen?"

The sound of someone clearing their throat answered that question. I turned and froze. Walter stood behind us, looking calm as ever, like he hadn't just caught us making out. I don't know how he snuck up on us!? The old guy was like a ninja sometimes.

Rose turned bright red. I felt my face heat up too, but Walter didn't say anything about it. He simply adjusted his gloves and said, "Lady Integra is waiting to speak with you both."

"Of course she is," I muttered under my breath. I could already feel the lecture coming. Rose and I exchanged a look before heading inside.

We sat in front of Integra's massive desk. Rose and I both kept quiet, and I could feel the tension in the room as Integra stared at us. Her hands were folded neatly on the desk, and she wasn't saying anything. That made it worse somehow.

"Do you two know what you did wrong?" she finally asked.

Rose fidgeted in her chair. "We left before the police arrived?"

"That was probably for the best," Integra said. "No, what you two did wrong was continuing with your date after a vampire task force tried to kill you! Are you two stupid or just that horny?"

My mouth opened, but the glare Integra shot me shut it immediately. I swallowed and stayed silent. Rose looked like she wanted to disappear into her seat.

Integra sighed, leaning back in her chair. "There's only one reported civilian death after everything that happened. That's the only reason I'm not more furious. But I want you two to tell me everything that happened, from the start. Don't leave out any details."

Rose hesitated. "Even… even the parts of our date?"

Integra clicked her tongue. "Obviously not those parts. I don't care what you two do in your free time. I care about what happened with the vampires."

I nodded quickly. "Right. It started at the bookstore. The attack came out of nowhere. They had guns, and everything went to hell in seconds…"

I told her everything, starting with the ambush at the bookstore. Rose jumped in occasionally, adding details I'd missed. We didn't skip anything important, not wanting to give Integra another reason to be pissed at us and possibly dock our pay or something more drastic!

When we finished, Integra was quiet for a moment. She tapped her fingers on the desk, then said, "You were reckless. Both of you. But you're both alive, and you handled yourselves well enough despite the sudden ambush. I'll give you that much."

I blinked, surprised. That almost sounded like a compliment.

"Does that mean we're not in trouble?" Rose asked cautiously.

Integra let out a huff of annoyance. "Not this time. But next time, don't mix romance with life-threatening danger! Please report back after a group of vampires tries to kill you instead of just sending Walter a quick text message!" she said while looking in my direction in particular. Yeah, that one was probably on me. "Now get out of here!"

We didn't need to be told twice. Rose and I got up quickly and headed for the door. As soon as we were out in the hall, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"That went better than I thought," Rose said, her shoulders relaxing.

"Yeah. I was expecting more yelling," I admitted. 

She laughed softly and kissed my cheek. "Worth it, though."

I grinned. "Definitely worth it."

– Integra –

Once Valerie and Rose left the room, Alucard emerged from the shadowed corner, his form shifting into place as if the darkness itself had given him shape. She had known he was there the entire time.

"I take it you enjoyed the show?" she asked, folding her hands on the desk.

Alucard smirked. "It was entertaining enough. I always love the way you can make others shake in their boots. It's one of your most attractive qualities."

Integra chose to ignore that comment and focus on the real issue. "The Tepes vampires are getting bold enough to attack in broad daylight..."

"Bold?" Alucard tilted his head slightly. "I'd call it stupid. Most of them were wiped out by my daughter utilizing the sun. What a bunch of fools."

"Fools or not, I want to know what you're going to do about your so-called descendants," Integra said, her voice cool.

Alucard scoffed dismissively. "They're not my descendants. Whatever remains of their bloodline is so diluted it's insulting to proper vampires. They're more like parasites at this point clinging to a name they no longer deserve."

"And yet they rule an entire country from the shadows."

"Romania," Alucard said flatly. "Not exactly the jewel of the world. Be honest, Integra, who really wants to live there? There's a reason I left."

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That's beside the point. They're still a threat, and they've made their move on your daughter. Are you really not going to help her?"

Alucard's grin faded as his tone shifted. "I never said I wouldn't help. I'll never let another one of my children be taken from me. But Valerie has to handle this herself. She has to learn to be strong. Her so-called father and brother should die by her hand—or preferably her gun."

Integra raised an eyebrow. "Her gun? You're aware she lost it in the fire of that bookstore…"

"She'll need a new one. Another revolver preferably." Alucard told her. 

Revolvers didn't hold as many shots as other pistols but they had the advantage of being easier to maintain and never jammed in a gunfight.

"I'll have Walter handle it. Anything else you think she needs?" Integra asked.

"Time for me to give her a bit more training," Alucard said with a sly grin. "And another opportunity to make fools regret underestimating her."

Integra smirked faintly. "Something tells me she won't be waiting long for that last one..."

With that said, Alucard melted back into the shadows, leaving Integra to her thoughts. She made a mental note to speak with Walter immediately. She couldn't have one of Hellsing's top assets without either her gun or magic. She was also interested in seeing if she could contact that other Dhampir–Blade. Other than helping out Valerie and Rose, he and his own alleged vampire hunting organization hadn't reached out to Hellsing as of yet.

– Valerie –

After parting ways with Rose in the hallway, I set out to find Narcissa. Using my nose, I tracked the soft floral scent she always carried. It led me through the mansion, down several corridors, until I stopped in front of my own bedroom. That was unexpected. 

When I opened the door, I saw her sitting on the edge of my bed. Her blonde hair looked a little disheveled, and her eyes were red, like she'd been crying. 

"Hi, Narcissa," I said, stepping inside and closing the door gently behind me. 

She looked up at me and smiled faintly. "Hello, mistress." Her voice sounded tired, almost hollow. It made something in my chest tighten. I hated hearing someone I cared about sound like that. 

I walked over and sat down next to her on the bed. "Is it your son?" I asked quietly. "Rose told me he was brought in today... after he shot himself." 

Narcissa nodded with her hands resting limply in her lap. "He's completely lost his magic. The Dark Lord made him use that Muggle weapon on his mission. He didn't even hesitate when he was told to kill Rose's family. The kind boy I tried so hard to raise is gone. All that's left is a smaller version of his father." 

I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug. She stiffened for a moment, then relaxed against me. 

"He called me a blood traitor," Narcissa whispered. "When I told him why he lost his powers—because our family went against your father—he lashed out at me. Through the bars, he screamed that he was going to ask the Dark Lord to rip the magic out of me and give it to him. He said he was more worthy of it." 

What a little shit, I thought, but I didn't say it out loud. Narcissa didn't need to hear that from me. No matter how broken their relationship was, I knew part of her would always love the little boy she'd raised. 

"Once the Dark Lord is dead, maybe we can get Draco into some kind of rehabilitation program," I said. "With therapy, a lot of it, he might be able to turn things around. He'll never be a wizard again, but he could still have a good life as a Muggle. Isn't he supposed to be really handsome? He could become a model or an actor or something." 

Narcissa let out a soft chuckle. "A member of the House of Black becoming a... mummer?" She shook her head. 

"Hey, stranger things have happened," I said. 

She leaned her head against my shoulder and let out a long sigh. "Thank you, mistress," she said softly. "For being here. For listening." 

I tightened my arm around her. "Of course." 

Narcissa pulled out her wand and waved it, clearing the tear marks off her face. She straightened her posture and gave me a soft smile. "Enough about me. How was your day, mistress?"

I let out a short laugh. "Eventful, to say the least." I leaned back slightly while crossing one of my legs over the other. "I went on a date with Rose Potter, got attacked by a bunch of vampires sent by my piece-of-shit relatives, and then came back here. Pretty typical, really."

Narcissa turned her head toward me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Oh? You went on a date with the Girl Who Lived?"

"That's what you're focusing on?" I chuckled. "Not the part where I was attacked by vampires?"

She rolled her eyes. "Please. I'm sure you handled it just fine. If an army of Acromantulas couldn't take you down, what's a group of vampires supposed to do?"

I shook my head. "Glad you have so much faith in me."

"What kind of maid would I be if I didn't?" she teased, a playful smile tugging at her lips. Her expression shifted slightly as she added, "Although… now I'm a bit jealous. You've gone on a date with both Seras and Rose. What about me?" She fluttered her eyelashes at me in an obviously fake attempt to look flirtatious.

It didn't matter how over-the-top she was. Narcissa was still ridiculously beautiful. My face grew hot, and I knew I was blushing. "I can take you out anytime you want," I said, trying to sound confident.

She tilted her head, pretending to consider it. Then she grinned and shook her head. "I'm a little too old to be going on dates."

"You barely look like you're out of your twenties," I shot back.

Narcissa gave a soft laugh. "I know. Magicals tend to age slower than Muggles, and we Black women have amazing genes on top of that. Of course, there's also the contract with your father to thank for our extended youthfulness. Though it does have its drawbacks."

Her hand started rubbing my back in slow, soft strokes. My breath hitched slightly as my mind raced. I pretty much knew where this situation was going. "What drawbacks are we talking about…?" I asked breathily.

Narcissa leaned forward, closing the small gap between us. "The women of my family have extremely high libidos. We're pretty much always horny..." she smirked.

I let out a small laugh, trying to hide how flustered I felt. "...I can definitely relate to that."

And then her lips were on mine… But only for a second before she pulled back and smiled at me deviously. Narcissa stood up, leaving me sitting there on the bed, completely worked up from her speech and that kiss!

"Where are you going?" I asked. I was trying not to sound too whiny but failing miserably. 

She giggled, looking down at me with that perfect smile of hers. "Oh my, mistress. Did you really think we were going to have sex just now?"

"Kind of," I admitted with a pout. My face was burning, and I was pretty sure my panties were already soaked. 

Her smile didn't waver. "I'd love nothing more than to make love to you, mistress. But we've both had a strange day, and I'd rather our true first time be a little more special than some stress relief pity fuck. Don't you agree?" 

I took a deep breath, trying to cool off the heat building inside me. "I guess you're right..." 

"Excellent," Narcissa said with a satisfied nod. "Then I shall see you tomorrow night." 

"T-Tomorrow?" I stammered, feeling a spark of hope flare up. 

"Tomorrow," she confirmed with a wink before turning and sauntering toward the door. 

I watched her leave, my eyes glued to the way her hips swayed. She didn't look back as she closed the door behind her, but her confidence left me breathless. 

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough…

I was so excited that it took me a couple hours to fall asleep. About two of those hours were spent rubbing my clit to try and calm myself down.

– Voldemort –

The Dark Lord decided there would be no more waiting. Instead of attacking the Ministry the next day, he moved up the plan. At 3 a.m.—the witching hour—he would claim magical Britain as his own.

With over a hundred Death Eaters at his command, Voldemort infiltrated the Ministry of Magic after one of his followers successfully hijacked the Floo Network. As they emerged in the vast, empty atrium, he addressed his forces.

"Be prepared," he said, his voice cold and commanding. "The Ministry will not fall easily." 

Voldemort's mind lingered on the heroes of the last war. Mad-Eye Moody, Charles Potter, Sirius Black. They had cost him dearly, though all three were long dead for their defiance. Still, Voldemort had no doubt that the Ministry had bolstered its Auror ranks in preparation for his return.

His red eyes scanned the room as his forces spread out behind him. He wondered where the Aurors were waiting to ambush them. It was too quiet.

"Push forward," he ordered.

They moved deeper into the atrium, but no resistance came. The silence was almost unnerving. 

Voldemort hissed softly to Nagini, who slithered close by. "Do you sense anyone else in the building? I sense nothing."

Nagini shook her scaly head. 

Voldemort's brow furrowed. Perhaps the Aurors were using some kind of advanced warding magic to hide themselves? He led his Death Eaters deeper into the Ministry, passing offices and corridors that were eerily empty. 

The Ministry wasn't supposed to be this quiet. Even at night, it was supposed to have a full-time staff, especially during a war. His patience began to fray.

"Where is everyone?" Voldemort snarled. "Where are the Aurors? Where are my enemies?" 

The frustration boiled in his veins as they continued their march through the Ministry. When they finally reached the Minister's office, Voldemort was ready to unleash his wrath. Instead, they found... an old man. A janitor…

The elderly wizard was hunched over, mopping the floor. He didn't even glance at the Dark Lord or his army. 

"You there!" Voldemort barked. "Janitor! Bow before Lord Voldemort!" 

The old man squinted at him. "Eh? What's that, sonny? My hearing ain't so good anymore." 

Voldemort's jaw clenched as he raised his wand. With a quick spell, he fixed the man's hearing temporarily. "Is that better?" 

The old man straightened slightly and touched his ear. "Oh, wow! I haven't heard this good in almost a decade. You're real handy with that wand, sonny. I used to be pretty good with magic myself, back in the day, but that was a long time ago. Can't remember most cleaning spells now, so I just stick to the mop…" 

The old man kept rambling, oblivious to the danger he was in. Voldemort and his Death Eaters stared at him in disbelief. Was he so senile that he didn't realize who he was talking to, or was he just that foolish? 

Casting another spell, Voldemort determined the man's age—over 200 years old. It was impressive, even for a wizard, but also pathetic. A man that ancient still working as a janitor of all things? That was honestly pretty sad and even Voldemort felt some pity for the old man. He'd decided then and there that he'd just euthanize anyone over the age of 150 with a swift killing curse instead… He was nothing if not merciful.

"Where is everyone?" Voldemort demanded. "Where are the Aurors?" 

The man paused, tapping his chin. "Oh, now that you mention it, I haven't seen any of them in weeks. I think they all quit? Actually, most of the staff quit. I guess we fell on hard times again. I remember back in the '20s..." 

"Avada Kedavra," Voldemort shouted, cutting him off. The old man collapsed to the floor, lifeless. 

Voldemort's anger boiled over. The Ministry had been empty for weeks? He wanted to conquer magical Britain, not take over its abandoned shell. He clenched his fists, barely holding back the urge to destroy the empty building outright. 

One of his Death Eaters hesitated before asking, "What now, my Lord?" 

Voldemort glared at the ornate walls around him, then turned on his heel. "Let's... just go back." 

His followers exchanged confused glances but followed him without question. The grand takeover of the Ministry had become nothing more than an embarrassing farce.

– Valerie –

I let out a startled yelp the next morning when I opened my eyes. Seras Victoria was lying right next to me on my bed. Normally, that wouldn't have been a big deal, but her glowing red eyes were staring directly into mine.

"What the hell?" I asked, sitting up.

"I hate your dad," Seras grumbled. Her police girl uniform was in absolute shreds, it was barely clinging to her.

I blinked and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Didn't you have a training session with him yesterday? What happened?"

"What happened!?" Seras sat up and threw her hands in the air. "He threw me off Big Ben!"

I winced, glancing down at the state of her clothes. "Um… you didn't turn into a swarm of bats before you hit the ground, did you…?" Seras glared at me, and I immediately knew the answer. "I'm glad you're okay at least," I said quickly. "I guess the blood of Dracula running through us makes us tough enough to survive something like that. I wouldn't know, though—I turned into bats on my first try, so I never found out what happens if you don't."

"It took me three tries," Seras muttered, clearly annoyed.

I tried not to laugh but couldn't stop the grin that crept onto my face. "So what, did he just keep chucking you off until you figured it out?"

"Yes," she snapped, crossing her arms. "Every time I climbed back up after healing, he just threw me off again! By the third fall, I got the transformation down. Barely…"

"Well, hey, at least you got it now," I said, trying to sound encouraging.

"Don't even get me started on what he said afterward," Seras grumbled. 

I couldn't help but ask, "What happened next?"

Seras groaned, running a hand through her messy blonde hair. "He said I was learning slower than you, and that it was embarrassing for him as my master. Apparently, I was a 'poor reflection' on him." She threw up air quotes and rolled her eyes again. "So, obviously, he decided to make my next test even harder than whatever he put you through."

I raised an eyebrow. "What did he make you do? When I had to learn hypnosis, he just sent me to a bar to practice on a drunk human."

She huffed. "Lucky you. He said hypnotizing a human would be too easy for me. Instead, he dragged me to the zoo!"

I blinked. "The zoo?"

"Yes! The freaking zoo! He threw me into the lion enclosure and told me to hypnotize them not to eat me!"


I have a patreo n. My subs can read advanced updates of my stories ahead of standard release.


Patreo n .com (slash) Starwaves

Here is the list of Current Advanced Chapters:

The Fallen Gamer ch 304-308

The Blood Queen 23

The Fox Hole 33

The Titan 17

The Blood Queen 22

The Fox Hole 32

The Supe Devil 14

The Blood Queen 21

The Fox Hole 31

The Titan 16

The Fox Hole 30