Quan Jingyou came forward, "Sister Tian, what is the reward?"
Since everyone was in teams, Ji Tian didn't hide it and gave them a glance, "Elimination."
"I can use this card to eliminate anyone."
The crowd exchanged looks.
[Damn, isn't this the ultimate trump card? Ji Tian now has the power to eliminate others, someone's finally going to get kicked out, so exciting! Who will she eliminate?]
[It's very likely Shen Zhiyi, doesn't she dislike her? It's the perfect opportunity to use this card for personal revenge. (sneaky smile)]
[It can only be the other two teams anyway, luckily Yu Chuang and He Chenxi have allied with Ji Tian, so it's very likely she won't eliminate anyone from their side, at least not with this card.]
Yu Chuang and He Chenxi sighed with relief, extremely grateful that they were now partnered with Ji Tian.
Yu Chuang thought for a moment, then asked, "Who do you think you'll use this card on?"