Chapter 83: You must not repay kindness with ingratitude and stab me in the back

But she had already said it and didn't want to appear like the type who couldn't handle hardship.

She smiled, "Sure, it's been a while since I walked down a country road, kind of miss it."

Shen Zhiyi arrived too, carrying groceries they bought. Seeing Ji Tian empty-handed, they graciously invited, "Ji Tian, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

Ji Tian glanced at the few items she was carrying, barely enough, rice would probably last only for two meals for the three of them. She gave a slight smile, "Sure, that'll save me some dinner money, so tonight's meal for our group is on you."

Ji Tian agreeing so readily caught them off guard, normally people knew it was just a polite offer and would decline, but she clearly underestimated Ji Tian's thought process; this person could only be described as shamelessly thick-skinned.