Unveiling the Truth (2)

Sansa took her time, reaching the location mentioned in the letter after nearly half an hour.

She hadn't even known such a place existed.

The underground facility was vast, dimly lit, with towering stands encircling multiple battle arenas.

It looked like a battlefield from a forgotten era.

Scanning the area, she searched for any sign of movement, any presence.


She was alone.

She walked slowly past the massive arenas, each appearing as if it were waiting to witness a fight to the death.

The air was thick with an eerie pressure.

Yet, no one was there.

Sansa stood still for a moment, unease creeping into her chest when her smartwatch suddenly shut off.

"No signal, huh?"

Letting out a quiet breath, she climbed the empty stands, sitting down to observe the entire arena as she waited for the sender of the letter to appear.

Though the place was dark, her vision remained sharp.