After hours of relentless battle that had engulfed the entire temple, the outside world was beginning to sense that something was terribly wrong.
The blazing inferno, which at first resembled nothing more than fireworks, had long since proven otherwise.
By now, many had attempted to enter the temple, but the impenetrable Sky Dome Barrier had denied entry to all.
Unless a high-tier Awakened intervened soon, the temple's suffering was destined to continue.
Inside the temple grounds—the most brutal battlefield of all—a strange clash was unfolding.
The sky was a chaotic masterpiece, adorned with celestial bodies and intricate magic circles, each one raining down relentless devastation upon everything below.
Kai Luc had tried everything. He bent reality, wove illusions, and even stripped his opponent of his senses.
Yet, somehow, Choupo Moting had endured, matching him blow for blow, despite the undeniable gulf in raw power between them.