Lore Drop

His sisters reading taught him about beast bond's, what unique abilities certain animals in their world had and about permaclones. The knowledge of these things allowed him to set a goal in his mind and begin his journey. His journey down the road to revenge.

His adoptive older sister Monae used to read to him and still does when she gets the chance, in fact it was her reading which helped him become as powerful as he currently is. Once Monae was reading to him and he heard a quote which said "Knowledge is power" after hearing that quote Buio requested that his sister teach him everything she can.

Permaclones were basically a permanent clone of one's self brought into existence using their innate ability. A regular clone wasn't very durable but could be an invaluable and deciding factor even, especially in a battle of attrition. They weren't meant to last very long and usually expired as soon as the mage who conjured them stopped infusing them with power.

Permaclones however were conjured to last and didn't depend on the mages power to continue existing. They were tied to some item or being which infused them with mana. They were also sentient and could be taught to operate like a natural living being.

Temporary clones could not grow in power while permaclones could. They were the closest an artificial lifeform could get to being human. Most of them were even perceived as humans, so long as they didn't do anything unusual that is. They could even gather and purify mana of their own volition, given time and practice, to the point of not needing an external source of power.

At least that's how people normally made their Permaclones. Buio however came up with a completely different idea because of his sisters relentless lessons. Monae was teaching him and he came across a particular animal which could heal from various injuries which could bring a human being to deaths door. This piqued his interest so Buio inquired if there were others like it and indeed there were.

From that moment on he set a plan in motion and when his adopted father had trained him well enough to control his abilities, those were the first beast bonds Buio set out to acquire when he was allowed access to the dimension tower.

The Dimension Tower was a building which had unique barriers leading to countless different dimensions. There were many of these towers in existence across every country, city and continent. To everyone's knowledge it seemed as if every species of animal and insect in existence actually came from a dimension of their own. Their own world, their own civilization and our world was this one place meant to be a paradise where everything should have been able to live in harmony.

As things turned out, that vision definitely wasn't working out too well so far. If that was the intention of the Creator, he must have been deeply disappointed in his creations. There were certain major differences tho, in their own dimension each and every species was more intelligent and advanced than what we were accustomed to them being in our world. Ants for example were bigger than they were known to be on earth. Their ant hills in their own dimension were the size of mountains and their colonies organized and vast. If they existed in their true forms here in our reality we would have never reached the pinnacle we achieved in the hierarchy.

There seemed to be an unspoken agreement between humans and the beings that happened to reside in these dimensions. Humans would assist in protecting the dimensions of these beings and in exchange they acquired additional power to protect their own.

Everyone seemed to be in agreement with that arrangement. Everyone except for the demons of course, seeing as they were the one's every being in existence had to constantly defend themselves against.

The vile creatures seemed to despise everything which wasn't of their kind. They were very terrifying, powerful and hell bent on making the lives of everything else just as miserable as theirs.

They were locked in a dimension of their own as well but that wasn't their only limitation. They were condemned to only be able to use their true body's while in their own dimension.

If a demon wanted to traverse any other dimension, it would have to gain access to the body of a being from that dimension who was willing to share a body with them.

If they were unable to do that they were only able to travel that dimension in their soul form. In their soul form, they were unable to affect reality on a substantial level.

One would think that the little miscreants would have a rather harduous time getting anyone to agree to such a deal, however it was not so. Instead they tended to have plenty volunteers.

The downtrodden, the weak, the abused, the forgotten or someone in search of revenge they didn't have enough personal power to grasp with their own two hands.

These beings were all ripe for the picking... and every single dimension had them.

Buio started visiting the Dimension Tower at the age of nine. Anyone would be surprised by that fact but he was born with a truly deadly ability, so power wasn't his problem. The ability to properly control his power was, that and his lack of sight.

However he was lucky to be adopted by a rather skilled mage. Bukiko taught him how to recognize inanimate objects and living things in his surroundings through mana sensing.

Once Buio was proficient in doing so, he was able to traverse the world just as well as any other person, even better than many as a matter of fact.

With his lack of sight no longer that much of an obstacle, his combat training soon commenced. Overtime, he eventually learned to control his abilities and not kill someone or something unintentionally.

When that was achieved, it was time for his plan to begin. Once he attained the two beast bonds, Buio got to work creating his first Permaclone.

Buio's Permaclones are not a manifestation of his innate ability into a clone of himself. They are made from his real flesh and blood. They are a part of his body which he removes, then allows it to regrow and heal from scratch using beast bond healing abilities and reinforcing it with mana manipulation.

Thus they all have a mind, heart, body and soul, well most of them. However they have a connection akin to that of a single entity because of the way they were created. The only permaclone which didn't look humanoid was his purple coat.

It was made from spider silk and imbued with the Planarian Flatworm and Oxolytl's healing abilities then given sentience using the jellyfish's ability to operate without vital organs.

Jellyfish's have a nerve net throughout their bodies. This nerve net allows them to smell, detect light and react to other stimuli. As such they don't even need bones.

So far Buio had already created 14 Permaclones. Each and every one of the sentient beings could use all the abilities which their creator could. However they did not do so publicly.

Every Permaclone had it's own identity and used specific abilities while in the presence of others. Many of them had fake innate abilities, these fake abilities were the result of refined, extensive utilization of beast bond abilities.

Blood Bane for example who was assigned with joining the Red Cell Guild, didn't actually have the innate ability to manipulate blood.

Instead the Permaclone utilized the innate ability of the horned lizard at a refined level. That beast bond when paired with the Oxolytl's marvelous healing abilities, helped Blood Bane to seemlessly keep up the facade of being a blood manipulator.

Buio's Permaclones needed a lot more preparation to keep their disguises borderline flawless. Not the least of which had to do with their appearances.

When the Permaclones were first created, especially in the way that Buio created his. They naturally had the appearance of their creators.

Due to this he had to enlist the assistance of his Beast Bonds to help alter their appearances. This is how Buio ended up having a Permaclone in every Guild, with no one being the wiser.

Who would have thought that he would still need more Permaclones at this point in time? At the rate things were currently going he might end up needing a small army of them. That would cost him an arm and a leg, quite literally.

Speaking of an arm and a leg, Buio turned his attention back to his severed forearm as it floated before him in the lightless abyss.

By this point in time the arm was no longer just a forearm. It had regenerated into a fully formed upper torso by now, complete with an head within just a few hours.

'What amount of minutes in the real world were equivalent to 2 to 3 hours in this place again?' Buio thought to himself, while scratching the back of his head with his freshly regenerated palm.

'I wonder if i should just get started on another one while i'm at it?' He wondered sincerely. 'Don't you dare you masochistic little wanker, we're working overtime as it is. It's insane that this actually feels normal to you.' Planarian and Oxy snapped at him.

Buio smiled sheepishly and held up his hands before him in mock surrender, like a criminal caught in the act and ordered to freeze by the police.

He summoned the two beast bonds into reality within the dark dimension and tasked them with finishing the gruesome process, then exited the dimension coming to rest on the floor of his room.

He then dismissed the shadow clone which he had left behind when entering the dark dimension. He was going to inform his Guild mates of his upcoming period of temporary unavailability.

Buio had a feeling that those miniature black holes were gonna be very useful sometime in the very near future. Therefore he didn't have any time to waste, it was time to train.