Training Montage

Night was already fast approaching by the time Buio had finally finished preparing to go spend the dark dimensions equivalent of 3 earth days training.

He had contacted Abyss via their telepathic connection and received an update on his family's well being shortly after speaking with his guild mates. Upon recieving positive news that they were indeed still safe, he felt an immeasurable sense of relief wash over him.

Nothing and no one had tried to approach his family to do them any harm, at least not yet. However Buio wasn't convinced that this would continue to be the case for long.

As a matter of fact he was certain that it would not. If he was in the enemies shoes and wanted leverage against his opponent, the first thing he would do especially as an evil tyrant was take the loved ones of his enemy hostage. Then he would have the ultimate dog chain to keep them in check.

Buio would be damned if he would let his family be put in harms way. Just to be sure, once the new permaclone was ready he was going to send it to help out Abyss and Triplet.

The new sentient being in question was now fully formed, however it was sleeping.

Buio stopped next to his Permaclone placing a huge basket of food beside it. "What am i going to name you?" He thought out loud. "What false ability will we come up with for you to use?" He said aloud while caressing his chin. 'I guess I will come up with something while training.'

He turned and disappeared from the spot, then reformed out of a mass of shadows 1 kilometre away in the dark expanse.

After creating a spherical dome around himself, Buio started to repeatedly summon the miniature black holes. With each creation of the mini black holes he got better at forming them, more refined.

After approximately a day of training himself to create the condensed black holes, during which time Buio had eaten, slept and reawakened, he was now covered in dry sweat.

The remains of it clinging to his body felt like grains of salt. If not for the shadow clone he had left in his room Buio would have long lost track of time.

He had a tendency to get carried away when learning to master a new ability. So Buio had set an alarm to alert him when three earth hours had passed. At the moment only approximately 1 earth hour had gone by.

Floating down from where he had been resting his back against the inner surface of the spider silk structure, he hovered in the air and began summoning miniature black holes.

Smaller, better, faster, stronger. He had already achieved his first goal of shrinking them to the size of a football. Which was much better than their original size. Before Abyss had began training to make smaller black holes, their initial diameter was approximately that of a basketball court.

Which would have been fine when dealing with certain enemies while in a secluded area. However with humans or other innocent beings around, using black holes of that magnitude would have just been overkill.

Besides, the natural nature of blackholes even when under the restrictions Buio enforced on himself, were innately destructive and deadly. Their sheer pull force alone would wreak havoc on his surroundings.

Hence why Buio had initially devised another means of utilizing them. He would conjure small portals, force the enemies body at least partially inside, then conjure a black hole just long enough to kill them.

Even then he had to dismiss the conjured black hole as swiftly as it had been formed or it's effects would start leaking outside the small portals.

With the pending calamity which was sure to befall Xaymaca, he would need more refined but equally deadly means of attacking his opponents. The miniature black holes would be integral in achieving this goal.

With the new and improved orbs of destruction, he would be able to snipe an enemy even if they were holding an hostage at point blank range without harming the hostage.

Even tho a football was much smaller than a basketball court, that was still too big of a size for what he wanted to achieve. The black orbs were still big, still too destructive. He needed to condense them even more.

Buio would not be satisfied until he had brought the black orbs down to the size of a marble. He wanted to achieve that goal within the next two days in the dark dimension or at least close enough.

Seeing as he had no way of knowing exactly when Hive and her underlings would ramp up the speed of their plans. Therefore time was of the essence. Not a moment could be wasted.

At the beginning of his training it was more difficult to concentrate on creating the black holes while thinking about anything else. Now it was much easier for him to multi task. Albeit at mental and physical tasks which were unrelated to each other.

As everyone knew if you were to wash dishes while distracted by thoughts of some other activity, you could end up absent mindedly rewashing a dish which had been previously washed. Only to realize moments later.

Hence why Buio was pushing himself to master the mental gymnastics of it all. Maybe if he had spent some more time mastering the abilities of the immortal jellyfish beast bond, instead of constantly demon hunting.

The immortal jellyfish just like others of it's kin, could carry out functions in an autonomous manner. Unlike humans who could only occasionally achieve similar feats via instinctual, reflexive reactions, autonomous reaction was like a way of life for jellyfishes.

This was the one ability which his purple coat outmatched him in. Many of his Permaclones occasionally surpassed him in certain areas. Those were the limitations of being human or probably just those of a human who put too much on his or her plate.

Pushing all of that aside he decided that maybe that will be the ability he would spend some time mastering in his next training session. Besides at the moment he was achieving his goal.

'Got it, that's what i will name you. Maybe i should make this particular Permaclone another female, besides among all my previous creations there was only one female. Perhaps it is time i create another, Batra is a bit lonely among her kin.' Buio thought to himself.

Creating another female permaclone aside, the name Buio had chosen was tied to the false innate ability which the new sentient being would use.

He had decided that the newest permaclone would utilize paralysis. By swiftly activating and then dismissing the effects of two of his beast bond abilities, it would indeed be possible to temporarily paralyze an opponent without killing them.

Now that he had sorted out that bit of information in his head, he immediately refocused his efforts to the task at hand. For the next day and a half after notifying Mahi of it's intended false affinity and giving the permaclone it's name then telling it which beast bond to activate to manipulate it's gender, Buio ate some food then stuck to training.

At the end of approximately two and a half days of non stop training, except to eat or sleep, Buio had finally done it.

He was sweating profusely and was in dire need of a bath but his goal had been achieved. Around Buio several miniature new and improved black holes floated in mid air.

Some were the size of a football, some the size of a golf ball. The remainder however, were the size of a marble.

With a broad smile on his face he dismissed them all and immediately teleported to where his Permaclone was stationed. Mahi was now sporting feminine features and training.

The clown fish was a fascinating little species. If transgender or non binary folks got wind of this development, they would have a field day. It would be like those Tensen from Hells Paradise all over again.

After exchanging pleasantries with the Permaclone, Buio repeated the process which he used to create the sentient beings.

He then gestured at Mahi and said aloud: "as you already know via our mental connection, this severed arm will eventually become one of your kin. I intend to name them Tempo, it will be another female, just like you. You can continue mastering your false affinity. When it is fully formed you may assist it in training. I will be back with food and entertainment. Please don't go to the outside world."

Buio paused momentarily as an awkward thought crossed his mind. 'Another female version of me again, this is weird. The first and the second time. Very weird.'

Pushing that thought aside he continued: "it's false affinity will be the ability to seemlessly use multiple beast bond abilities in rapid succession. As such it's training will be much more strenuous than yours. I will be heading back to the real world now. I'll visit occasionally with food, entertainment and things of that nature. Send a mental request for anything else you might want if you think of anything while i'm away."

Mahi simply nodded, not pausing her training for even a split second. Afterwards Buio remained in the dark dimension just long enough to heal himself. Then opened a portal and stepped through to the other side. The alarm went off several seconds later. He had accomplished his goal in record time.

A major detrimental threat to one's family and kingdom was indeed a good motivator.