Surviving in the Apocalypse

As the adrenaline rush settled down, Seb felt a searing pain in his abdomen. Observing the wound, it wasn't too deep that it would need stitches but it could make him lay low again for a few days.

Grabbing a few bandages in his bag, he braced himself as he poured some alcohol on the wound. Then he tightly wrapped his abdomen with a roll of gauze, ensuring it with a lock.

Standing up, he gently walked over the house, with his crowbar gone, he grabbed a kitchen knife from his belt and readied it in case of any movement. Slowly as the floor creaked, he readied his weapon. 

But there was no movement at all, opening all the rooms he checked inside, still nothing. With the coast clear he relaxed, checking the drawers of the kitchen he found a few canned food and even some cereal. Following this, he also discovered a small library in the house.

Cherishing the time he had, he even picked up some comic books he found in a cabinet. Killing some time with the comics while eating some cereal in milk with a cup of tea to go. Finishing his food, he opened a radio he had found in the house. Listening to it while reading a book about first aid as he wanted to see if there were still any local radio stations on air, unfortunately there weren't.

Finally as the night settled in quick, he turned off the radio as he slept in one of the rooms on the house's first floor. It was a small room but it had a window, which is perfect in case somebody decides to break in, or if the zombies manage to break down the front door.

Lying down in the bed, he put his firearm just beside him on the bed, closing his eyes, he dozed off to sleep.

Waking up the next day, he said a short prayer as he fixed the bed. Then slowly he grabbed his belt and holster putting it on he then grabbed his pistol and equiped it on the holster. 

He slowly exited the room, breathing a sigh of relief. He sat down and poured some cereal and milk on a bowl. Savoring every spoon he finished the bowl pretty quickly as he washed the bowl and put it on the side to dry.

Deciding to move on, he grabbed the remaining cereal and put it on his bag. He then drank all the remaining milk as he put his backpack aside.

Just as he was about to leave, he remembered that he hadn't gone up to the second floor yet. Grabbing his knife, he went up, putting his guard up he slowly reached the hallway. That was when a hideous smell hit his nose, covering it immediately he started looking for the stench, slowly entering the first room, inside, what he saw made him puke. 

It was a child's rotting body, which was being caressed by a woman's rotting body. Immediately going down he continued puking into the kitchen sink. When he stopped, he shook his head, drank some water and exited the house. 

Breathing his first breath of fresh air in a day, the zombies that followed him were surprisingly still there. One of the runners had managed to get itself impaled by one of the steel spikes of the fence. Though that wasn't the only problem, one of them had managed to climb over the fence but seemingly broke its legs, disabling it. Going up to the zombie he pushed his knife into its head. He did the same thing to the other zombies who were outside the gate, driving his knife into their heads. 

After killing all of the undead, he stood for a while and eventually waited for the zombies to wander out of the gate. This took a while, but all the zombies eventually left. Following this, Seb slowly opened and closed the gate back to where he found it. 

Strolling through the city streets, he made sure not to go into risky situations that might include a horde chasing him. So he walked in the streets, killing a few zombies here and there, eventually he came across a bike shop. 

Something then crossed over his mind, he could use a bike as a form of transportation. Considering it didn't make any noise, and that it didn't need any fuel, this was a huge boost to his apocalypse life. 

Though the only problem was, the door was locked. So the only way he could get in was to break the glass window. Though this could attract any hordes of zombies that were nearby.

But he had to take a risk, a huge risk at that.

Grabbing a nearby tire iron, he smashed the glass window, shattering it into pieces. Quickly lunging inside the store, he started picking over the numerous bikes inside the store. Scanning the room, he saw a mountain bike that was marked at a pretty good price, suggesting that this could be of high quality. He then grabbed a tire pump and ran out of the store.

Looking around he saw a small horde approaching him from the west, and there were runners as well.

Getting on the bike he sat on and pedaled, he rode it quickly to the north side of the city. Dodging any malls or populated places that he passed by. 

As an hour of riding his bike passed by, Seb had already exited the city and into the woods that was connected to a small town. And that was when he saw a suitable place to live in temporarily, maybe even permanently. 

It was a small cottage, surrounded by a fence and in the area inside, you could maybe build another building, maybe a small place to plant crops as well. Though the downsides were that the fence isn't really high and zombies could get through quite easily, and the cottage looked slightly run down.

Turning his bike to the cottage, he rode his bike slowly through the dirt road. As he got to the metal gate, he pushed it open as it made a creaking sound. Going in, he closed it, locking it with the tire iron he had picked up. 

Finally getting off his bike, he carried it to the cottage as he leaned it into the house's wooden walls. Prying the door knob open, he was surprised to find it open. Taking a deep breath he went inside the house.

He found that the interior was vastly different from the exterior of the cottage, inside it was well furnished, the walls didn't look too old and looked freshly cleaned. There was an unused room that was filled with junk such as an old radio, a broken cabinet and a bear trap. The cottage also had a water system and electricity if connected to a generator.

It also included a bathroom with a shower, a fireplace and an old couch which consisted of the living room. Finally a kitchen and a table for four consisted of the dining room. Though the smell of a rotting stew covered the house, aside from that everything was almost perfect.

Setting up the house, he threw the pot and stew into the trash outside. Then he made sure that all the windows were locked and curtained.

Next he started searching all cupboards, drawers and wardrobes in the house. In them he found clothes that belonged to a man, kitchen knives, an old woodcutter's axe and very surprisingly, a rifle. 

Observing closer, it was a Remington Model 710, and inside looked to be a .30-06 round. Ejecting all 3 rounds from the rifle, he aimed down the sights and started checking it out. Surprisingly for its size it was pretty light, with a brown wooden frame and a 6x scope for better accuracy. 

The only problem would be how many bullets he had, going back to the cabinet he started opening each drawer. Inside he found not one, but two boxes of .30-06 bullets, opening the box it had about 15 rounds each, which meant 30 plus the 3 bullets he had, there were 33 rounds he had all in all. 

With the amount of bullets he had, Seb leaped in joy, which opened the wound in his abdomen. Groaning in pain he placed the rifle to the side and sat down on the couch for a while.

As he tried to steady his breath, he heard gunshots in the distance. Looking out the window, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was a woman, roughly his age, her black hair was ruffled as she could barely run while carrying along with her a child, who was probably her brother. And chasing them was a small horde with roughly 12 or so zombies trailing behind them. 

As the woman shot at the zombies with her gun, she ran out of bullets. But managed to take down 2, despite this the zombies were still hot on their tail.

Surrounded by guilt, Seb grabbed his rifle and axe, and ran out.

"HEY! OVER HERE!" Seb screamed, this turned the woman and child's attention. He then started waving at them to come. 

Getting the signal they started running to the cottage. Covering the two, Seb grabbed the rifle, put three bullets inside the gun and aimed down the sights. 

Controlling his breathing, he steadied the rifle, aimed at his target, and pulled the trigger. 

The bullet exited the chamber and ripped through the air as it hit a zombie, putting a bullet straight through its neck.

Ejecting the shell, he aimed down again, found another target and pulled the trigger once more. This time the bullet pierced a zombie's head and went through the chest of another. Ejecting the second shell he shot another bullet, exploding the leg of one more zombie. 

Just after the last bullet, the siblings have now hopped over the fence, with the zombies falling through behind. Putting the rifle aside, he grabbed his p22 and signaled for the two to hurry up. When they reached him, the woman said a word of thanks as they retreated behind Seb who was shooting at the remaining zombies.

Seb downed the last zombie just as he emptied about half of his magazine. Grabbing his axe, he raised it up as he brought it down towards all the undead that weren't previously slain. As he swung his weapon one last time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead as he approached the two people he had just saved.