Chapter 49:


Max asked me to call Alex's number so he could talk to him.

"What business do you have with him?" I asked and Max kept quiet, pretending to be typing something on his cell phone.

"Max?" I called his attention. He looked at me slowly, just talking. He said.

"Oh, no! That would not happen", I said, and I would rather not do anything that will further cause trouble. Max continues to be busy on his phone without saying anything further.

The gentle whisper of the café enveloped us, yet I hardly paid attention to it. 

I was completely focused on Max. His remarks persistently resonated in my thoughts, their unfiltered truth striking me more forcefully than I anticipated.

"I'm not here to pressure you," he stated. "I'll be patient, even if that means I end up losing you."

The former Max would have insisted. He would have attempted to entice me into a choice, making it hard for me to think rationally.