"I thought this was a small settlement. I did not expect it to be like a mini city." Layla said in a minimal volume.
The bulky man that was escorting them looked at Layla who asked the question and smiled, "Huh, so you talk.
That is the point of it all. We don't want to look like a city to outsiders. We want to look defenceless and weak to outsiders.
You voicing out your thought just proves that our plan to look weak worked.
If it was that you could tell that we were not just any settlement from our outward appearance, then our plan would have failed."
"Oh I see. That is a very smart thing to do. I really appreciate your city helping us." Tim said as he stylish threw a scolding looking at Layla.
"Oh, we can't really say if you would be getting help or not. That would be up to the city leader.
I am just merely guiding you three to meet her. Don't worry she doesn't bite. All she would do is perform a thorough search on your memories.