Crazy City Leader

The butler opened the door gently and directed the trio to the center of the room. The room was even more horrifying than the underground prison.

There were a lot of pods filled with humans. The place seemed to be an experiment lab. Different kinds decomposed and fresh bodies were contained in the pods.

At the center of the room where the butler and the trio went to stand at, was the city leader. She was a woman with white hair and a rumpled skin. She seemed to be in her late 60's and she wore a lab coat.

She had a crazy look in her eye, one that indicated that se loved what she was currently doing at the moment.

She was operating or more like harvesting the organs of a man that seemed to be in his twenties.

The horrifying part of it was that the man was still alive and he was screaming, but his screams were not heard because his vocal cords had been removed.