In Neo-Kyoto, a rain-soaked city where ancient temples clash with neon lights, supernatural forces lurk beneath the surface. Wraiths—beings born from human emotions—secretly shape the world, their influence felt but rarely seen.
Hiroki Tsukishiro, a lonely orphan, drifts through the city's shadows until he encounters Arkan, a dangerous Wraith. This bond unlocks a terrifying power within him, pulling him into the hidden realm of Soul Smiths.
But before Hiroki can master his abilities, The Hollowing occurs—a disaster that breaks the barrier between worlds, flooding Neo-Kyoto with rogue Wraiths. Now trapped in chaos, Hiroki must join forces with Takeshi, a cunning outsider, and Abeni, a former friend, to uncover the truth behind The Hollowing and save the city before it's too late.