Valery turned her head to Jay and looked at him.
At this time, there's a certain melancholic emotion visible on his face as he looks far away.
For some reason, Valery felt that such a melancholic Jay is really attractive.
Shaking her head, Valery turned her attention back to the view in front of them.
The two of them stayed there for a few more minutes before leaving.
Since the sun is already quite high up in the sky at this time, it feels a little prickly on the skin already.
Because of that, Jay pulled Valery somewhere with a lot of trees.
The ground is still pure dirt here and all kinds of shrubs and plants could be seen all over the place.
Looking around cautiously, Valery asked,
"Where is this, Jay?"
"Oh, this is a lot owned by my mom. It's been neglected, that's why it looks like this."
Up ahead, there's a wooden bench that looks to be made roughly.