Wild Response On TokTok

Hearing her question, Robert glanced at Jay's face before shaking his head. 

"No, I was just making that up to disgust this guy."

Robert chuckled while looking at Jay. 

Valery looked thoughtful after hearing his answer. 

Not bothering with his antics, Jay asked Robert what he's doing here at the empty lot. 

"Oh, I was thinking about getting some mango to sell."

"Sell? Where are you going to sell mangoes?"

"On the streets, of course. I have a moving stall, it's my business now."

Jay nodded while looking at Robert with admiration. 

"You're still the same, huh. Still business minded as ever. I bet you're going to get rich someday."

With a wide smile, Robert patted his shoulders. 

"Well, I will hold on to your blessings, brother."

After chatting for a bit, Robert excused himself for a bit and started climbing a tree. 

The mangoes in this lot usually just go to waste because no one really harvests it.