Royal Birth

He didn't know why she wanted to be in the water, he wanted to put her in the bed. She held her round tummy and held her breath every now and then. "You need to breathe,"

Her eyes were closed. "I know that, Sesshomaru,"

The pain was bad, but for some reason, she did not feel that the baby was coming. She started to breathe normally, and she rubbed her belly. "Miko?"

She did not respond, "Miko?" His tone was hard "What!" she snapped, and he narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing?"


She was trying to make the pain go away.

It was fast; her hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, her eyes were wide, and the pain was bad. She screamed out, and Sesshomaru went to pick her up once more "No, Sesshomaru, leave me in the water!"

"Miko," he warned,

"Sesshomaru!" His father's voice came from the other side of the door.

"LEAVE US!" Sesshomaru once again yelled.

"Let the midwife take care of her!" His father yelled. Sesshomaru left Kagome's side and opened the door "I said, leave us," He growled and then slammed the door shut in his father's face. He rushed back to her side, worried; this was something he knew nothing about. But the thought of leaving her didn't sit well, though he was sure the midwives were far more suited.

Kagome cried out again and lifted her hips. Sesshomaru watched and then noticed the blood in the water.

"Miko, you bleed," He did not like this, nor did his beast. "I know, I think my water just broke."

But it was hard to tell, her being in the water. Sesshomaru had enough; he wanted her out of the water and once again went to pick her up "No," she once again, out of breath "You can't move me now; the baby is coming," she said, closing her eyes and throwing her head back, and she yet again cried out. Sesshomaru didn't know why he did it, but as soon as she threw her head back, his nose went to her neck, on her mark, his mark. He felt her calm a bit, but then her hand went to his shoulder "Sesshomaru," She said through gritted teeth.

It hurt, and she was begging him to do something. Something inside him twitched, the way she said his name as if she wanted him. Sesshomaru looked down at her body; his had reached down under the water, to her womanhood.

"Miko, it is time."

"Yes, but you should not be here; get the midwife," she said, and raised her hips a bit.

"No, Miko." Did she not want him here? No, he knew that it was because men were not supposed to be there when the mate gives birth, but he didn't care; to hell with that custom.

Sesshomaru went and placed himself between her legs, his hands close to her. "You must push now Miko," He knew that much.

He was going to deliver his firstborn son, and there was satisfaction with that; something inside settled as if it was supposed to be this way. Kagome pushed, but the sharp pain caused her to stop.

"Do not stop Miko; you must push,"

"I can't; it hurts,"

Sesshomaru growled "Miko, you can do this,"

"Ok," She said breathlessly.

"Push Miko!" He demanded, and she did as he told her, and she held it "More Miko, your son is almost here," He knew that would help her along. She stole a quick breath and pushed again; with all being, she screamed and pushed back her holy powers, which were trying to come forth. With a swoosh and a gush of water, she knew the baby was out, it was instant relief.

Sesshomaru grabbed the baby as it left its mother's womb; he raised the baby from the water and held it in one hand. Kagome opened her eyes and looked at her mate; he held their baby in one hand, and that said hand and the baby were covered in blood. The look Sesshomaru was giving the baby made her fear that something was wrong "What's wrong?" She asked, worried.

Sesshomaru never took his eyes off the baby; he pricked the bottom of the baby's foot, making it cry, letting its mother know all was well. But the look on his face, it had her still worried. Soon he held the baby close to him; he lowered himself into the water and washed the blood from the baby.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome called in a whisper; what was wrong with him, was in he shock? Was he happy? Mad?

"Sesshomaru," She asked again, and this time his eyes locked with her.

"It is a girl."

Fear and shock rose up her spine. A girl? How did that happen? Her thoughts were cut short when she noticed him coming close "She wishes to eat," He said laying the pup on its mother, showing her where the milk was. Kagome looked down at the baby as she latched onto her mother's nipple. She then looked back at Sesshomaru; his eyes were still the baby. Sesshomaru once again moved and placed his hand under Kagome. He rose her out of the water and proceeded to the door. He opened the door to see people in their room. "Out!" He roared,

Everyone ran, everyone but his father, who was looking out a window. Sesshomaru placed Kagome on the bed and covered her up.

"Sesshomaru," His father's voice was heavy.

Sesshomaru did not turn to him. "Leave us, Father."

His father glanced at him as his voice sounded tired, and so with a slight nod of his head, he took his leave of them.

Sesshomaru sat on the side of the bed and watched as his daughter fed on her mother's breast. His clawed hand came over the baby's head and rubbed her jet-black hair. Kagome watched; she was glad to see that he was right; their baby was not a half-breed.

"Are, are you upset?"

His head snapped up, and he looked at her. "Explain?"

He did not understand why she asked, "About, her?"

"She is our child," He stated.

"She is a girl," Kagome spoke; she knew he wanted a son. His eyes sat back on the baby; no, he was not mad nor disappointed. "Be not a fool," He spoke softly. Kagome bit her lip; she didn't know what to think.

"Rest, Miko." Sesshomaru took the baby, noticing that she was now done eating and asleep. "I shall have her clothed," He placed the naked baby in his arms and watched as Kagome laid down and covered herself. "I shall return soon,"

"K," She hesitated, not wanting to be away from her newborn, but she was oh so tired.

Sesshomaru walked to the door, but before he walked out, he looked back at Kagome, the mother of his child, his firstborn, his daughter.